5➳Green with Envy

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Picture of Zack

I fell onto the ground my head beating hard as I watched Jacob fight with Zack. My head pounded like a million drums, beating to a rhythmic tune. The pain lessened as I blinked away the unshed tears while watching the two boys fight each other.

"Leave now Jacob before I-" Zack got cut off by Jacob, his eyes narrowed into a murderous glare. Jacob peered at me quickly and his eyes widened in fear but then a smirk was on his face when he looked back at Zack. Zack was standing there with clenched fists, practically turning white.

"Don't test me Zack." Jacob warned before walking into the obscurity, his figure blending into the dark night. Once he'd gone Zack ran over to me and pulled me into him, worry and concern covering his face.

"Cleo, open your eyes." He whispered. My body stopped obeying me and sank into his warm hands, no matter how hard I try to resist his warmth. "Cleo."

I slowly opened my eyes, opening my mouth too but words failed to come out, my breath was caught in my throat when I found his gaze. I locked eyes with his deep grey eyes or was it violet? I pushed off away from him and sat upright, brushing myself down, my face flushed.

What was that memory about? Who was that boy? How does he know me? What was-

"Are you alright?" Zack asked cautiously, cutting me out of my abyss of questioning. My mouth opened but my mind was processing slowly so whatever came out next was by instinct and not thought.

"Green." I blurted out to which Zack looked at me, startled at my sudden outburst. "My eyes."

"Cleo, are you alright?"

I stood up and walked to the pond with Zack following behind me, his body warmth radiating off him like the sun's light during the morning. He grabbed my wrist when I was about to look at my reflection, forcing me to face him as the sparks shot through my arms.

"Get off me, Zack!" I ordered and shrugged him off, scowling at him when I took a step back to create space between us and distance myself from his touch. I looked down at my reflection and saw the same green eyes. My green eyes. But I'm pretty sure they've always been green. I mean, they couldn't have changed? Could they?

"Cleo," Zack whispered, sounding almost disappointed and sad which made me snap my focus onto him, narrowing my eyes into devilish slits.

"Why are you here?" I questioned, feeling a sense of power emitting off me.

"I was walking back home." He answered firmly, taking a carefully step backwards when I took a step towards him, no longer effected by his heat.

"Are you sure?" I clenched my knuckles and felt the power growing angrier, much more powerful as he nodded his head to confirm that his lie is true.

"It's true."

"You're lying." I stated, knowing that my power was at my highest. My mind burned like it was on fire and my body felt cold as if it was ice. My fists were practically white after clenching them so hard. I tired to relax but I couldn't, my head was burning way too much to even concentrate.

"Fine, I wanted to see you." I stop moving and my mind blanks out. At that moment, I felt like I wanted to collapse and curl up into a ball. The burning had stopped almost immediately and only a faint ringing was heard at the back of my head. It played like a piano, a melody so soft and soothing yet painfully when I thought about it's tune.

"Zack?" I whispered once I stopped walking and Zack walked towards me, almost cautiously as if he was afraid to step me off again.  He held my hands, that familiar warmth sparking up again but ignored it and allowed myself to relax.  "What happened?"

Suddenly Zack pulled me into his chest but I pushed away from him, a bit confused of the situation. I didn't want him touching me, my anger just built up quickly like a wave hitting me at once.

"No Zack." I hissed, venomously.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." He whispered, apologetic but he didn't sound it.

"How do you know me?

"I don't."

The power rose up within me again, anger and hurt building up like a time bomb that was waiting to go off. "Liar."

"That's not true." He snapped, angrily as he clenched his fist and jaw.

I blinked and unclenched my knuckles, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Sorry."

Zack stuffed his hands in his pocket and looked down, pissed off. After a while, he sighed in defeat and looked up, his eyes gazing at me yet never really at me. His eyes always wondered around my face and never once met my eyes as if they were scared to see them.

"It's fine. Really." Zack murmured, running his fingers through his thick locks.

I shook my head and walked away, afraid to address the topic in case I mess it up and annoy him even more, but then I stopped and turned around, at least wanting to say thank you. But when I met his powerful, lustrous grey eyes, I couldn't say it. The words were stuck in my throat and I was under his charm.

"Night Zack." I mutter and he nodded and walked away in the dark night, the shadows welcomed him and the light loathing me as I advanced back to my dorm, hearing the dreadful whispers around me but nevertheless welcoming them into my mind.

My soul relished the hate, disgust and anger. My heart animus to the feelings but what does that matter? My heart just lead me to my calamity.

Edited. Sorry for the long wait, I have another two or three books that I'm doing at the same time.

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