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Suddenly Zack pulled away from me and fell onto the ground, hitting his head against the wooden rails. I winced at him getting hurt, cringing but then that soon dispersed and turned into pure shock. He didn't feel it and I knew that because seconds later he just stood up and brushed himself down in ease and calmness. Then Zack turned around and yelled with a scowl at the person behind me.

"What's your problem?!"

I followed his gaze and saw Jacob standing there. I stumbled back a little as Jacob came to my side at an almost impossible speed. Jacob slipped his arm around my waist but I stood paralyzed, watching the conversation between both friends.

"She's mine." Jacob retorted, growling territoriality.

"Jacob, get over it." Suddenly I felt a a strong pull opposite me and I walked over to Zack and he draped an arm around my shoulders, stating his place.

"Zack, you'll never learn." Jacob sneered and I walked over to Jacob.

He kissed me with coldness flowing into me but I sank it to him, pushing myself against him, allowing his soft, pink yet cold lips join with mine, pure contentedness filling my heart. He pulled me closer, gripping onto my waist tightly as I pressed myself against him. Abruptly, I pulled myself away from Jacob and turned to Zachary's direction, walking his way with a smile, to which he returned back. Zack hugged me the moment I was in front of him but that didn't last long because soon I was going back to Jacob.

Soon I was going from Zack to Jacob, over and over again. Like a tennis ball. Then I couldn't take it anymore and as Jacob pulled me over and I froze right in the middle of the two boys, anger and frustration boiling through my bloodstream. In one swift movement Jacob and Zack flew onto the floor, both wincing in pain when they made contact with the railings.

"You don't own me." I hissed.

They stared at me in fear as I waved my hands upward, watching them immediately stand up like statues, their face turning white as if they'd seen a ghost.

"Baby..." Zack trailed off, his eyes trying to meet mine but I avoided eye contact with him, enjoying the fear they emitted off.

"Cleo!" Jacob shouted at the same time but I ignored their cries as I curled my fingers, viewing them hunch over in pain.

"I don't like being fought over. I'm that powerful, I can just make you do it myself." I heard myself voice out but somewhere within me, I also felt something struggling to be free.

"I know." Zack whispered, sorrowfully.

"I hate being pulled around. It gives me a headache, and do you know what headaches make me do?" They didn't answer so with a smirk, I said. "They make me what to kill someone. And looky what is right in front of me? Two beautiful young men, who are seemingly fighting over me for some unknown reason."

"We won't do it again." Jacob quickly said, squirming about. I dropped my hand and they both fell onto the ground, gasping in deep breaths as if the air was about to run out.

"I've heard that before." I snickered and smirked even more. "I'll be back, just you wait."

Suddenly my power dropped. I stared at them with horror and no memory of what just happened. "Oh my gosh, did I hurt you?"

Jacob rubbed his head while Zack walked over to me. "Nearly." Jacob said, brushing himself down.

"I'm so sorry." I murmured, apologetically. Zack tried to hug me, to assure me that its not my fault but I pushed him away. 

How can it not be my fault? I can't even remember what happened and what I did.

"I can hurt you again." I said, panicky. I backed away slowly.

"Cleo. You would never." He assured but I knew he was lying, he was trying to make me feel less guilty but that didn't work. I could feel the guilt eat me from the inside.

Once I was far from them I broke into a run. I ran to the other side, the empty and quiet side of the campus. I ran until my feet started to burned and hurt. I ran until couldn't hear anyone but myself breathing. I ran until I was away from Zack. I came to a halt and skidded on the yellow grass. The river flowed fast down the stream and made loud gushing sounds, blocking any sounds around me. So I fell onto the ground, curled up tightly into a ball and cried.

I stood far away from him because I know I'll hurt him, and watched him search for me. The mountain is the coldest place and an ordinary human would die within 20 minutes of climbing this mountain but I'm no ordinary human. I watched him search for me. Until he stopped and looked up. My power blocked his contact with me but he's cleverer than me.

One second he's down there, next he's with me. "What are you doing?" He snapped.

When I don't reply, he just kissed me in a tight embrace. I was home and I never wanted to leave, I was safe with him, he knew what to do, I could trust him. I sank into his arms in anguish, tears brimming up in my eyes.

"We'll figure it out. I promise that we will. I love you, my angel." He whispered onto my lips as he gently kissed me, sparks like the Fourth of July burst within me, shivers in pleasure crawled up my spin and pure warmth enveloped me like a cloudy, soft blanket. I was anything but his angel. I was the devil, and he had to stay away.

"I love you." I said and I meant it as I kissed him with the same amount of passion.

Home was in his arms and I never wanted to leave. Even when I knew that my time was nearly up. Soon, if he stayed around, my black heart would taint his angelic soul, and he would never be allowed back up in the blue. 


I apologies for the late update, I've been incredibly business and there is so much going on in my life. I will get back on track don't worry, so expect quick updates.

Updated | 21.1.17 

Stay awesome x


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