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A few days later, I woke up in my dorm with a blur of memory. I sat up and rubbed my forehead because it was burning and aching. Blinking my eyes, I forced myself out from bed and stumbled towards my drawer. I then got changed into a high-waist denim short and a peach crop top with a black and pink floral and transparent cardigan.

I pulled on a pair of brown ankle boots with heels and some silver bracelet. I brushed my hair into a high ponytail and gave myself a side fringe. After making sure I looked okay, I grabbed my things and left my room, locking firmly shut behind me.  I walked through the school hallway, everyone gazing at me, whispering and muttering things to each other but I ignored it all.

"Cleo!" I turned around to see Taz running up to me, her wild black hair bouncing around as her brown eyes meet mine.

"Hey Taz." I replied with a smile. She draped an arm around my shoulder and guided me outside to her table, the feeling of the warm wind hitting my arms, instantly warmed my body up.

"So anything between you and Zacky?" She asked, lowering her voice while Reese waved us over. I shrugged but she sighed like she knew otherwise. "Come on I saw what happened last night."

I froze, unsure what to say. I didn't know how to react, wondering if she was going to do all crazy on me since I found out their big secret.

"Really?" I asked and she nodded, smiling once again, making me exhale in relief when I noticed that she wasn't going to have a massive outbreak.

"Be good with him. Zack's fearless so he'll do anything to keep you safe." Taz beamed as we neared to the table.

"Why?" I asked, confused, but Taz ignored me and took a seat on top of the table.

"Hey Cleopatra." Reese said as I sat on the table as well besides Reece, her bloody locks nearly tied up in a bun with a curl falling into her shoulder on either side of her face. I greeted everyone else before focusing my attention on Reece. "So how's school?"

"Okay but I have full lessons today." I sighed at the thought and Reese laughed, sipping on her Diet Coke.

"What lesson's first?"

"English." I rolled my eyes as I pinched a chip from her plate, making her scowl at me.

"Beware of Miss Rosie. She's a real sweetheart but a devil inside." I saw Safi stiffen slightly but Roman placed an arm around her and she melted into his arms, both of them looking like the perfect pair, surprised that they're not dating yet.

"Not true." Nick chimed in, scowling at Reece, who just shrugged as she stuffed her face with another chip.

"My bro is in love with Rosie." Roman taunted, slapping Nick's back.

"Lies." Nick lied, defensively as he sent a evilly glare to Roman.

"Liar." Taz sang, sipping on her lemon tea. She looked at me and grinned. "You're in luck, we have English too."

"Lucky us." I mumbled, my voice laced with sarcasm, and everyone laughed.

"Hi Zack." Safi said suddenly, finally talking.

I glance over to see him and caught him staring at me at me already, two cups of coffee in his hands. A blush began to rise on my cheeks as Taz moved away and sat on the other side of Reese to let Zack sit down next to me, and as he sat down and our legs brushed against each other, thousands of electrifying sparks running through my veins.

"Have they been-" He started but I knew what he was going to say so I interrupted, rolling my eyes when I feel his protectiveness radiating off him.

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