chapter 11

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Apparently I slept all night. No one woke me up for dinner. I didn't wake up until my alarm went off. I turned it off then got up. It was Friday beautiful Friday. I got dressed and did my morning routine. Then before we left Louis came in my room. He sat down on my bed , and asked if we could talk for a minute. He apologized. Then said he had talked to Harry yesterday afternoon. I asked him what about. Louis said about me. I was a little surprised to hear that. He kept talking. When he finished I still didn't feel better. He said I would. That made me more confused then ever. We left. Neither Louis nor me needed to pick someone up today. We rode there almost silently , except for the radio. We parked the car and went inside. I didn't wait for him, instead I found Cheyenne and Hailey. We walked to our lockers. When we got to an area where nobody was standing , they started asking questions. Somehow they found out I was upset.

"Courtie, are you ok?" Hay asked me.

"What happened last night?"

"I'll answer your question, but first answer mine. Who told you about this." I sighed and waited for a answer. They told me no one did. Pftt. Yea right. I asked them again. Then Hailey finally confessed. She said Louis told her I was upset, but he wouldn't tell her why. I'm going to have to beat him.  Why would he tell her.

"Louis and Harry got in a little argument. Then I started arguing with Louis. I don't know why I was just so upset. Then I started crying. " I told both of them. They both hugged me.  "Oh! And to make things worse, yesterday when we got home you'd never guess who was there. Duncan Ferfeild. "
They looked really sorry for asking me. I felt like crying again. Chey grabbed me by the shoulders and said....

"Court you will be ok. We're your friends and we'll always be here for you. You know that right?"
I shook my head. I hugged her . People walked by and stared. I didn't care though. I pulled hay into our hug. The three of us stood in the middle of the hallway hugging. When we finally broke apart we walked to our lockers. We were almost late to class. We all made it to our seats just as the bell rang. We had art class first period . Me , Cheyenne, and Hailey sat at the same table. Today they switched our seats around a little. They put me on the middle. The teacher ,Mrs. Rachel, told us what to do. We all got started. We were supposed to paint a picture of our favorite after school activities. After about ten minutes she started walking around. Mrs. Rachel looked at and commented on her student's work. She started at the front. I sat closer to the back. Mrs. Rachel wasn't fast about this. She walked slowly. Then she got to our table. She paused to talk to Hailey who sat at the end. Then Mrs. Rachel walked over to me . I stopped painting, so that she could see what I had done so far. She didn't say anything for a minute. I felt very worried.

"Well Ms. Tomlinson this is beautiful. But what exactly is your favorite after school activity? This painting has so much going on. "

"I have More than one. I love hanging out with my friends , volleyball, and listening to music especially my brother's band."

I smiled when I said it. She seemed to understand. Mrs. Rachel continued walking. She got finished about ten minutes before class was over. We had to clean up our stuff.
The bell for next period rang. We left. The rest of the day was ok to . At lunch I didn't say much. Louis seemed worried about me. I wasn't to upset anymore.

"I'm gonna take my stuff to trash. I'll take yours to court" hay told everyone. I gave her my trash.

"I'm going too." Louis said.

Was I the only one who realized what they were doing? They were trying to get me and harry to make up. Ugh. I got my phone out of my purse. I sent a quick text to hay. Chey didn't sit with us today, so it was just Harry and me at the table. He didn't say a word. They weren't coming back until we talked. I wasn't starting this conversation with him. I turned my phone back off. Then Harry suddenly grabs my hand. I look over at him.

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