chapter 18

8 2 11

The next day came around way to fast for my liking. Usually I love Fridays but this particular Friday happened to be game day. Not only was it our game day , as the volleyball team, but our school football team had a game too. Most people would choose football over volleyball but there were a few distinct people who were always there. Even though Lou didn't very much like volleyball our parents made him go. They came to all of the home games and a few away games every chance they got. Hay's parents were always there too along with her sister , Emily. Of course Chey's parents attended most matches as well and always cheered on our team. When they didn't have practice the other boys of One Direction tried to cone if they weren't busy. Niall's and Harry's parents even came to a couple games. Not many other students attended unless they knew the players or were forced to. This game was at home, while the football game was away which might attract more people to our game.
Don't get me wrong I love the games and the sport but I get nervous about actually playing like most players do. Yesterday after school Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Harry informed me hay and Chey that they all would be there which escalated the nerves. Harry and Niall even said that their mum and dad were going too. Hay's , Chey's , and my family were going to be there as well. My nerves got worse before it was even time for the game.

(A/N let's start from the beginning of the day, shall we?)

I woke up to my favorite very band's song  going through my phone telling me I needed to wake up. The song I had picked especially for game days was strong by One Direction. True it was my brother's band and he sang the song but it gets me pumped and ready for the day. After showering for a good 15 minutes I wrap a white towel around me and walk across the hall to my room. I first put on my bra and underwear. Since its game day we have to wear either our jersey or team t-shirt. I put on my jersey with my number ,13, on it which happens to be my favorite number. With that I put on black skinny jeans with rips on the knees and my white converse. After about the 20 minutes it takes me to get dressed and do make up I walk downstairs. It's almost time to go so I grab something quick to eat and go to get my bag and phone. Louis is waiting for me when I get back down stairs so we leave. On the way to school Chey texts me.

°°°° texts°°°°

Chey: it's game day! You ready for this we're gonna crush them

Me: lol of course I'm ready wbu?

Chey: yep gtg see u at school

°°°°end of texts°°°°

I lock my phone (A/N: some people don't know how to do that *cough cough* Eric * cough*  but I'm kinda grateful for that. Lol nobody show him this ) and before I know it Lou pulls into the school parking lot. Soon we're parked and I unbuckle my seat belt and get out.

Walking to my locker I hear things like 'good luck tonight' and 'can't wait to watch you girls win'. Great thanks people. I put my unnecessary books in my locker and make my way to hay , who us the only one I currently see. Her locker is not far from mine so I don't walk that far.

"Hey Courtie!" She half yelled. Wow she gets excited on game day.

"Hey Hay. Hey! That rhymes." We both started laughing and didn't stop until the bell rang.

We said we'd see each other later and went to class. I didn't have first period with Chey , Hay , or any of the boys. I had Spanish first period and let me tell you 8:00 is way to early to try and learn a foreign language. 

**time lapse**

Lunch! My favorite part of the school day. I always sit with my two besties , annoying twin brother, and the rest of the One Direction guys. They started talking about the game immediately as we sat down. I groaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2016 ⏰

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