chapter 16

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After we got out of the pool all of our guest had to go home. I hugged my friends and said bye. Niall was giving Chey a rude. Them two were so flirty lately it was cute. Hailey and Louis hugged and he kissed her cheek then she left to. Zayn left after them saying bye. Liam was giving Harry a ride home since they lived near each other. Liam said bye and started to walk towards his  car. Harry and Louis said bye then Louis went to his room. Harry hugged me and said bye then left. I closed and locked the door and started walking to my room. As I passed my brother's room I heats him talking I'm the phone. I hate hearing only one side of a conversation but listened anyways. I had no clue what they were talking about and it made no sense so I kept walking. Ten minutes later Louie knocked on my bedroom door. I told him to come in and he did. He sat down on the edge of my bed .

"I was just talking to our manager on the phone. "

"Oh. What'd he say?"

"We, meaning me, Liam, Niall, Harry, and Zayn,  have to go to New York in two weeks for a show. " Louis told me putting an emphasis on Harry's name.

"For how long?" I didn't want my brother to go, so I was a little upset and so was he.

"About a week."

All I did was nod. Afraid that if I said something you could hear in my voice that I was about to cry. He hugged me and said it would be okay. He knows me to well. We must have some kind of twin telepathy or something. He said good night and went to bed. I took a quick shower and changed into some loose shorts and a tank top. Then fell asleep.

My alarm went off but I didn't feel like moving. Can't I just sleep? No no I can't cause I got stupid school. Ugh I turned off my alarm and rolled out of the bed. My head hurt from crying myself to sleep last night. I grabbed some clothes and changed. I woke up a little late so I didn't have time to take a long shower. I just washed my hair and face with sink. Then got dressed and finished getting ready for school. I wore black Capri leggings  , a one direction concert shirt, and my favorite pair of Chacos. I put my hair up and did my make up. Then grabbed my stuff and walked down stairs . Louis is waiting for me. We walk to our car together and go to school. When we get there he goes to his locker and I go to mine. My friends lockers aren't far from mine and we talk until the bell rings.

*skipping to lunch*

When I walk in the lunchroom most of the other people I sit with are already at our table. Before long all the guys are there along with hay, Chey, tyra (one of our other friends and Zayn's gf), and me. The guys all look upset and as far as I can tell I'm the only other person who knows why. The other girls are confused but pretty much ignore them except glancing at them every so often.

"Will one of you please tell them why you're all upset already?" I finally snap in the guys. Everyone at our table stares at me.

"I will." Harry finally says.

"Thank you." I say under my breathe still a little mad.

"Our manager call ed all of us yesterday and told us about a show in New York. It's in two weeks. And we'll 'be fine for about a week or longer." He finishes with a small sigh.

Harry and Louis look at me. As if to silently ask if I'm okay. I nodded a little , but I'm not sure I really an okay. Tyra is the first to ask questions then hay asks questions. I think all the questions that could be asked are answered in like ten minutes , but apparently I was wrong cause the other three firms ask questions for at least fifteen more minutes. I sit there drowning out most of the questions. A few  manage to somehow slip past my heavy thinking. Guess that's because I care about the answers to those few questions. For the rest of lunch they talk about it. When we have only like ten minutes left I get up from the table and walk out of the lunchroom to the hall. Soon Chey is behind me and out of breathe from running after me. Hay comes from around the corner of the hallway I turned on after a few minutes. I lean back against the lockers and feel the cold metal on my thin shirt. I slid down the lockers and sit on the floor and soon enough they are sitting right beside me.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Chey asks quietly. I feel tears trickling in my eyes because my friends care so much.

"I don't... I don't want them to go." I say after a few minutes. I try to blink away the tears but can't. I'm sure you can tell by my voice I'm about to cry.

"It's okay. I don't either but you have me and Chey and all our other friends. We will be okay." Hay says grabbing my hand and squeezing it. Chey grabs my other hand and squeezes it to.

I take in a big breathe and sigh. They are strong and I love them for it. The three of us sir there until the bell rings. Then we get up and walk to class together hand in hand in hand. People give us weird stares but we don't care.

After school we have practice since its Tuesday. We had a game Friday night so we had to practice. It lasted about two hours and she finally said we could go. Right as we started to leave coach called everyone to her for a quick meeting.

"As you all know we have a game Friday night. It's a away game. We're leaving school at one o'clock so we can get there on time. Being that the game is Friday we will have practice after school Thursday. So cancel any plans cause it will be from around 3:30 to 7:30. That's it go."

Ugh why does this day have to be so horrible? First everything that happened at lunch and now this. I have to cancel or reschedule my date with Harry. I feel like screaming. Life isn't fair. The whole way home I don't say anything just sit in my seat with my headphones. Mom and dad wanted us to have a "family dinner". I went to my room and started on homework when we got there. Harry called me after a while.

"Hey baby" he said making my heart beat speed up and breathe catch. He never call ed me baby before.

"Baby?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah. Is that okay?"



"So what's up?" I asked him trying to figure our why he called.

"I'm gonna miss you." He said sweetly, but he ignored my question not that I really cared.

"Awww I'm gonna miss you to."

I could here him smile. Then I remembered what happened at practice.

"Oh. Harry I have bad news."

"What is it baby?"

"Today at practice coach said that he thinks we to have  practice Thursday. Because we have a game Friday night." I said trying not to cry again.

"Oh. I guess that means our date is canceled?"

He sounded so upset. I felt horrible. It wasn't my fault though.

"Yeah. I'm sorry. But we can reschedule. I have this weekend?" I had a little hope.

" okay. So I can pick you up Saturday for lunch?"

We talk until I had to go to dinner. I told him I'd text him after dinner. I sat down at the table and Louis sat beside me. He gave me a small weak smile I gave one back.

·'· after dinner·'·

I texted Harry when I got back to my room. Dinner was just as depressing as the rest of my day at least the food was good. Harry texted me back before I had the chance to put my phone down. We talked about the concert in New York. We talked about Saturday and our date. Hopefully this one won't have to be rescheduled to. I don't want to jinx myself though. Harry was sweet and constantly said he was gonna miss me while they were in New York. He said that he would call or text me  everyday and Skype when he could. I fell asleep after changing and telling Harry and Louis good night.


This chapter is super depressing. I've been a little depressed lately so I'm sorry if it wasn't good. I would love your sweet comments to try and make me feel better. It could be about the story or just something sweet to me. It's okay if you don't though. I wrote a long chapter to make up for it being so late. Thanks for everything everyone. I love you boos! Do me a favor and don't forget them please. I'm gonna go cry now. Love you boos

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