Chapter 10

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This morning my phone wakes me up. Harry isn't trying to mess with Louis. Louis isn't screaming. So I get up and get in the shower. On my way to the bathroom I don't see Louis , which is unusual. We normally fight over who gets the bathroom first. I'm not worried about it though. I get in the shower. When I get out the bathroom is steamy. I brush my hair , and get dressed. Then I brush my teeth and go down stairs. Ugh. Found my brother .
"Why do boys didn't their hair in the kitchen?" I asked my smiling brother.
"Because we can get to the food faster." We both laughed at that. "So how do I look? I'm asking Hailey out today." He said. He looked nervous , but I couldn't tell him that.
"You look... nice." I smiled at my brother. He would be fine asking her out. I grabbed something to eat and sat down with Louis. We talked and ate. When both of us were finished, we went to get our stuff. I got my bag and went out to the car. I started to climb In. Hmmm...  Louis never let me drive. I was the first one out here. I decided to put my stuff in the back . I got in the driver seat. Louis came outside. He saw what I was doing .
"This us not happening. Move." Louis was mean.
"No. Why can't I drive? It's not like you have someone to pick up. All of your friends drive themselves. "I'm a little annoyed.
"Well maybe it's not my friend . Maybe  I'm picking up someone else. "Louis smiled a little when he said that. I knew what he meant. I got out and went around. I opened the passenger door and got in. We left.

*time lapse

It was now fourth period. Louis still hadn't asked Hailey out. I was getting frustrated. The lunch bell rang. Mrs. Newton gave us our homework assignments. Then dismissed us. I walked with my two best friends to the cafeteria. We got our food and sat down. At the table we sat at other people sat to. Louis, Harry, Niall, and sometimes Zayn sit there to. My friends make it impossible to not sit near Harry. They both sit on the same side of me. They sit so that Harry is on my left and they are my right. They are talking about the next show. Us girls start talking about our next game. Our game is Monday. The boys started asking us questions . They asked about our game. For instance they asked "what time is it?" and "how long will it last?" We answered all of there questions . Except one.
"I have one more question. But it's for Hailey only." He was really going to ask her. He was going to ask her now.
"What is it?" Hay sounded a little worried. She didn't know what I knew though.
"Hailey, will you go out with me?" He sounded nervous now. But he managed to smile.
"Aww. Louis that's so sweet. I'd love to." Hay sounded genuinely excited. They both had huge smiles on their faces. Harry looked over at me smiling. Then he made a questioning face. He wanted to ask me out. I slowly shook my head. Lunch was over. After we started to go to our next class , Harry stopped me in the hallway. "Why did you say that wasn't a good idea?" I knew he would ask that. He seemed really confused.
"For one I didn't want to steal Louis and Hailey's moment. Second. I think you should talk to Louis about it first. "I didn't want him to get hurt. He agreed. We kept walking to class , but not before he scribbled down his number on my Palm. I walked to p.e.  He walked to math. We didn't see each other much the rest if the day. We only had one class together and it was art. The teacher was evil in that class.

*time lapse*

I got in the car with Louis and Hay.  I let her sit up front with my brother. When we dropped her off I got in the front. The whole way home from her house we talked about her. He figured out that I already knew she liked him. When we pulled into our driveway another car was there. Louis stopped the car and turned off the engine. We both sat in the car talking for a minute. Right before he got out I grabbed him by the hair and said" you know hay is my best friend. And if you hurt her I'll hurt you. Got it." I let him go and he shook his head in agreement. I laughed at him. Then went inside. I now know who's car it was. Duncan my ex . We walked in and he was sitting on the bottom step. He got up when we came in. Ugh. Louis saw him and wasn't happy.
"What are you doing here Duncan?"I asked him in a rude way.
"I came by to talk to you. Is that ok ? Can we talk?"
He asked me running his words together. With almost every word he Said he glanced over at Louis.
"I'm not sure I want to talk to you. Why are you here?" I may have sounded rude ,but I didn't care. This guy cheated on me. He kissed my ex best friend. I thought both of them were gone for good. Apparently I was wrong.
"Just for a minute please? "Duncan said sounding desperate now. I nodded . Louis calmed down a little by now.  Duncan talked to me for a straight ten minutes. He apologized. Then Duncan explained his problems. Louis hadn't moved and still stared at him. When he was finished talking. I wasn't any less upset. He said Maggie broke up with him. Why? Because he cheated of course. I could've seen this coming. He would never change.
"So why'd you come to me?"
I asked him genuinely confused.
"I was thinking that maybe you and I could start over. Go out again. It will be different this time ." Duncan said. He had a pleading look.
"You seriously thought you could come here apologize and I'd take you back like that? If you did you were so so wrong. Duncan you will never change. Things that happened between us are in the past but I'm not going to make it my future. " My voice was harsh. I wasn't sorry though. I meant what I said. He sat there looking at the ground. He looked hurt. Louis walked over to us. My Brother made Duncan leave.  I was still sitting on the stairs. Louis helped me up even though I didn't want up. He pulled me into a hug. We hugged for a minute  . Then Louis pulled away.
"Court are you ok?"

"I didn't know that seeing him would hurt that bad. He looked the same as before. This time I hurt him."

"Don't blame this on yourself. He was the idiot that made a mistake. You know that right?" I nodded to answer his question. Louis hugged me again. I started crying on his shoulder literally. My twin brother patted my back. He kissed my forehead and wiped away my tears. I smiled at him.

"Thank you louy . I love you."

"Don't worry about it sis. I love you to. "

Him being so nice made me cry again. After I stopped crying, I went upstairs. I got started on my homework. About half an hour later someone knocked on the front door. Louy opened it. I finished my homework. Louis and whoever was at the door walked upstairs. They went to his room. I overheard them in the hallway. It sounded like Harry. I put up my stuff. It was quite through the whole house for ten minutes. Then Louis seemed to freak out. He was in the hallway now. Harry was the reason for his screaming.
Oh no. Harry must have decided to talk to him about asking me out. Louis didn't sound happy. I ran to the door and opened it.
"What is going on out here? Louis Why are you yelling. He stopped screaming now. They both looked over at me. I asked him again. He answered me. I acted surprised. Then turned to look at Harry and smiled. He smiled back. Louis got mad again. Probably because of our flirting. He yelled at Harry again. Then he moved his hand. He was going to slap Harry.
"Louy stop. Are you really that overprotective that you would hit your best friend? What is wrong with you?" I asked my brother. He looked over at me .

"Were you or were you not crying about a guy half an hour ago? I don't think you and Harry should date."

"Ugh. Yea I was but he cheated. Why can't I go out with him."

"I don't want you to get hurt again. By anyone. And if Harry were to hurt you I'd have to tear myself apart because of it."

"Louis I can handle myself. I'm not a two year old anymore. I know the difference in a good and bad guy now I've seen both. " I was crying now. He didn't understand. Guys are like puzzles you have to put them together piece by piece. Louis shook his head. Hugged me, but didn't say a word. I got upset about Harry seeing me like that. I went to my room. Then I heard Louis's door close. I lay down on the bed. The house is almost silent again. I fall asleep. I sleep without hearing a sound.

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