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Warning not edit, I'm just so tiered part two tmm😌


Shutting off my alarm I do my normal morning routine. Today I decided on black heals and left my hair out curly. Putting in all my piercings I grab my purse heading downstairs since I left my book bag at school. Walking down stairs I see Niall.

"What's sup Nialler?" I said. Walking into the kitchen I see him chewing on a huge bowl of cereal.
"Hey Ja, OMG this is good." He said stuffing his mouth with yet another big spoonful chuckling I settle on a peach not really sure if I could stomach anything. I was extremely nervous for some reason.

"Ruby! Elena! Get your asses down here or you can find your own ride!" I yelled. To be honest Elena can drive she has her license despite our age, having a dad who is alpha has its perks. Plus we have our twenty cars in they garage but, it's easier because we go to the same school. Then, I head giggling they must think I'm playing saying bye to Niall and Jayceon I hop into my beauty and drive out of the drive way.

Using my supernatural hearing I hear Ruby curse after her breath while her and Elena run after me. It was such a site to see. After two more blocks I stop the car, right when they were close enough I drive up a bit then reverse than drive than reverse. Finally, when I had enough fun I let them get in watching them glare at me.

"Who's laughing now?" I said as they growl. Child please. Arriving at school they're still mad at me so I watch as Elena go's to Damon telling her that I was evil. Evil laughs. Ruby however had to go to the other side of the school for her grade. So that leaves me, making my way inside, faces pass, people glare, and I growl. Staring blankly ahead, just making a way through the crowd, I reach my locker. Grabbing the books that I need I shut my locker. Jumping slightly I was surprised to see Tyrone, I used to have a crush on him and ever since he has been sooo annoying. Like please lose my number.

After he just kept staring at me I tried to move away by going around him, that didn't work. "What!" I finally said. I just wanna go to class I don't need this right now.
"That's how you greet me. No hey?" He asked trying to be funny but when I gave him a straightforward he stopped.

"What do you want Tyrone?" Said now losing my little bit of patience
"Come with to this party tonight as my date." He said.
"Are you asking me or are you telling me because I didn't hear a question in thT sentence," I said very sassily.
"I'm asking you Jaiciona," Tryone said smirking. Me being evil I decided to mess with him. Karma's a bitch so I hear.
"Hmm...I'll think about it," I said pretending to think, when in reality I wouldn't go somewhere with him as a date if you paid me a thousand dollars. Gotta go higher than that, maybe a million.
"I can't believe your actually thinking about this. My wolf said. "You have Zayn"
"I didn't really claim Zayn so..."
"Your a hoe you know," she said. "But I only rolled my eyes at her.
"Alright bye," he said looking at my butt.
"Pervert." With that I started to walking to class before an arm pulled me.
"Ugh what now Ty-" stopping mid sentence when I see who it is.
"Shit," I muttered.
"I told you so," Angel said. "Shut up, not now."

Zayn POV:
I was talking to Louis when he asked me a question;
"Hey didn't you find your mate?" He asked me.
"Yeah why?" I asked.
"Does she have long curly black hair and blue eyes?" Okay know I'm confused looking towards the direction he was nodding in felt my jaw clench as I tried to control myself and my wolf. Some guy was talking to Jaiciona and when she tried to control myself and my wolf. Some guy was talking to Jaiciona and when she tried to move he blocked her path. Instead of ripping off his head I watched carefully. When they were done talking he turns around and looked at her butt now I was pissed. But before I could go to her she left down a hallway.

After saying bye to Louis I went to the other way and hid in a class room. When she walked passed the door I grabbed her and pulled her in.
"What do you want now Ty-" When she saw it was me she looked panicked.
"Shit!" She said. "Shit is right. Who were you talking to and why was he looking at you like that," I asked.
"N-No one, he's just a friend and invited me to a party," she said. However, I was still unconvinced, but I'll let it go for now for both our sakes.
"I don't believe you,but ok. Just stay way from him," I demanded her.
"Okay daddy," Jaiciona said rolling her eyes. And I felt my eyes change color and my wolf on edge.
"WAIT! I didn't mean it like that I was just teasing you so don't ge-"
Before she could finish her sentence I kissed her and instantly her hands went to the back of my neck.
Ding Ring⏰📢🔔📣

"I know you were teasing me and don't roll your eyes at me. Ever. Also I mean it Jaiciona," I said sternly. With a nod of her head I kissed her cheek and told her to get to class. I have to find out who this boy is.

Jaiciona POV:

"Shit is right. Who were you talking to and why was he looking at you like that?" Zayn asked.
"N-No one, he's just a friend and invited me to a party," I said. "How convincing you sound," my wolf said.
"I don't believe you, but ok. Just stay away from him," he demanded. "Okay Daddy," I said like really stop demanding me. Then, I rolled my but seeing his eyes change to black I knew he didn't take it as a joke.
"WAIT!" I didn't mean it like that I was teasing you so don't ge-" Before I could finish my sentence he kissed me and my hands went to the back of his neck.

Ding Ring⏰🔔📢📣

I know you were teasing me and don't roll, your eyes at me. Ever. Also I mean it Jaiciona," He said sternly. With a nod of my head he kissed my check and told me to get to class. Obeying him for once I left him in the class room heading for history.

"Okay class can someone tell me as a review how WWll started and how it is essential to today's lesson." Mr. Parrino asked. I love this class Mr.Parrinois one of the coolest history teachers ever. After history I bumped into someone on my way to my locker.
"Crap! I'm sorry. Here let me help you," I said bending down picking up a couple of books.

Looking up I was met with a girl about 5"3 or 5"4 she had long hair that was straighten, and was smiling with the cutest dimples ever, besides Harry's I'm mean like damnnn!!!

"No! It's cool... Wait hey aren't you the eldest daughter to Alpha Xavier?" She asked. "Ugh yeah how do you know?" I asked confused. "Oh everyone knows you from our pack ever since our first day and the ceremony. Stacy has been scared shitless." Uh I like this chick.

"Oh the slut and I call him Zayn," I said confidently. Bitch don't correct me. "Ohhhh you guys are mates. That's the only way he'll let you call him that. Also  yes I don't like her either, too much showing nothing to the imagination," she said and I gave her a look. "Oh no I didn't mean it like that I'm Straight, by the way I'm Jordan," she said.

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