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Warning not edit and for mature scenes I might have a restricted book.

Still sitting in bed Jaiciona giggled as she verbally heard Zayn's sexual frustration. Bored she decided to make breakfast when her stomach growled. Slipping on Zayn's shirt and throwing her hair into a sloppy bun, Jaiciona headed downstairs. Realizing no one was up she happily skipped towards the kitchen. As she opened the cabinets, Jaiciona huffed realizing they needed to go grocery shopping. However, she settled on bacon, cheesy grits, sausage, waffles, pancakes, eggs, French toast, fruit salad and two fresh pitchers of orange juice. As she started to finish setting the table two hands snaked around her waist. Jaiciona jumped, startled by the sudden touch, but quickly relaxed realizing it was Zayn from the Sparks.

"You cook?" Zayn asked.
"Yeah, I bake too." Slowly everyone started coming downstairs for breakfast, quite chatter was passed amongst the table. The occasional complements towards the chef and bickering. After breakfast the omegas washed the dishes while everyone left for pack duties, besides Jaiciona and Zayn.
"Don't your have a pack to run,"I asked my very clingy mate. I have love for him, but sometimes it's annoying. My mood is just all over the place right now.
"Yeah, but Harry is taking over right now for me. Why trying to get rid of me so soon?"
"No...well...yeah your kinda suffocating me a bit you keep looking at me like I'm going to break. I know what happened, but I don't need pity especially from you," I said with a bitchy attitude. Seeing the hurt and surprised look on Zayn face I immediately regretted what I said.

"Zayn I di-"
"No it's cool, I just thought it was the right thing to do, you know to comfort my mate-"
"I'm sorry I don't know what came over me I feel really moody. AHHh!"
Rushing over Zayn caught Jaiciona's body before she could hit the ground. His eyes turned black as he breathed in deeply, he could smell his mate going into heat. As an alpha he was able to suppress his own pain. Even though Jaiciona was the daughter of an alpha, she was still unmated and it hurt a hundred times worse for her. Seeing her in pain Zayn's eyes soften, returning to its normal Hazel color and disregarding her bitchy attitude.

"Zayn w-what's wrong with me. Ugh! It hurts,"Jaiciona whimpered.
"Your in heat babe." Jogging upstairs Zayn reached Jaiciona's bathroom and sat her on the toilet seat. He then proceeded to run a cold bath for her. Lifting her up he sat in the tub with his mate in his lap, wrapped up in his arms. Whimpering she tossed and turned trying to possible get closer to Zayn.

"Shhh your gonna be alright, it's ok."
"I'm too hot," she said taking off Zayn's shirt, revealing her lacy black bra.
"Damn, u-um babe calm down your in heat I don't want you to regret anything afterwards."
"I won't come onnn," she said grinding her hips onto his.

"Stop Jaiciona," Zayn growled. Pouting she stopped but still whined in pain. Sighing he turned around while she stripped and wrapped them both in a towel. He laid down with her until she fell asleep, he couldn't control his wolf anymore. His wolf was begging to have control and take their mate. However, Zayn knew their was no forgiveness in that act so he decided to take a run.

Down in the cells laid a bloody and beaten Tyrone. He chuckled spitting up blood as he saw Zayn's approaching figure.
"Wtf do you want?" Tyrone asked.
"To make sure you at least had a couple of broken ribs," Zayn smirked.
"Fuck you,"Tyrone said spitting blood onto Zayn's shoe.
Frowning Zayn wiped off the blood and backhanded Tyrone.
"Listen you filthy piece of shit you better enjoy your last few days, because when it comes to your execution I'm going to  personally kill you."

"You know I enjoyed kissing your little princess. She's a great kisser even if being forced and she has a nice ass. In fact, did you know that Jaciona looks good in white lingerie. My pals and I followed her and Elena around the mall, interesting taste they have."

Angered to no return Zayn countlessly used Tyrone's body as a punching bag. He released all his anger and frustration on him.
Stop! You'll kill him before we can chop all his limbs off. Zayn's wolf said darkly to him.

Walking back into Jaiciona's pack house he decided he'll bring her some of the fruit salad she had prepared. Grabbing a napkin he headed up the long spiral of stairs. When Zayn finally got to the room he was indeed shocked. The room was freezing cold and Jaiciona laid on the bed in her bikini covered in millions of ice packs hugging Zayn's pillows. Closing the door behind him with his foot, he set the bowl of fruit on the nightstand and turned off the A.C. Climbing into the bed he cuddled his mate who snuggled up to his side, mumbling incorrect things.

"She's so beautiful," Lyilik(his wolf) said.

"I know, I just wished she'll hurry up and accept us completely."

"We could just mark her, mate is in heat around unmated males," Lyilik growled.

"I agree, but if we mark her without her consent not only would she not forgive us, but we'll have to fully complete the bond and I don't think she's ready. I want our first to be special for her-"

"ALPHA ZAYN!!! Tyrone has escaped!"  Louis said barging into Jaiciona's room. Zayn growled, covering his mate from another males eyes.

"My apologies my Alpha, but two guards were found unconscious at the cells." Fuck do I have to do every little thing my self.

"You dumb asses, how the hell does a fully beaten wolf, unconscious with wolfs bane escape a highly guarded technically prison?"

"Erm... I don't know Zayn y..."Louis said.

"He fucking doesn't!!! He had help. Take five men and search for him, at this point I want him dead or alive just find him and tell Harry to find any clues about his helpers," Zayn said dismissing him. Looking down he saw Jaiciona stirring, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Waking up she yarned grabbing onto Zayn's shirt.

"How do you feel?"
"Ok, the pain is still there but it doesn't hurt as bad."
"Listen... Um I have to attend a meeting, stay here. I mean it Jaiciona stay here, I don't want you around un mates males," Zayn said frustrated.
Nodding she let Zayn leave to attended his meeting.

Four hours later. It's been four muthafucking hours and Zayn hasn't comeback yet. Bored and frustrated Jaiciona went against her better judgement and went looking for Zayn. Arriving at his pack house she was astonished. It was three times bigger than hers and had cars lined up for miles. Walking in she was greeted by marble floors and the biggest chandler she has ever seen and plenty of stares. Wondering around she couldn't pick up Zayn's scent, but she did run into Stacy.

"What the fuck are you doing here," Stacy asked.

"Looking for MY mate duh," Jaiciona said rolling her eyes.

" Listen here bitch Zayn doesn't want your dumbass he's my mate, but it doesn't matter anyway I'm already Luna." Thinking Stacy was obviously deranged and insane, she left her to babble and finally found Zayn's office. Barging in Jaiciona saw Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn and more men she didn't know. Shifting uncomfortably she realised that this idea was terrible. Breathing heavily Zayn growled;
"Um I was bored..." At that exact moment Jaiciona's heat started up. Seeing this Every unmated men's eyes in the room turned black.
"Everyone out!!!!" Zayn roared.

Part two is going have to be later today or tomorrow.

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