"Princess or prince in the house?"

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You were babysitting your 6 nieces Linda and Liza. You knew how much they lived girly things, like make up and all those stuff. And you wanted to bond with them so you took out all of you nail polish and called them to come in your room. They came in.

"Yes?" They asked in a unison.

"I want to paint my nails, how about you paint them for me girls?" You asked them excitedly.

"YEEESS!!!" They both cheered.

"Okay now pick one color."

"Pink!" Liza answered.

"No! I want purple!" Linda said.

So they both had different options and when you told them to choose a different one they still didn't have the same color in mind. So you told them it's fine and that they can paint each nail of yours with a different color. While you guys were bonding, Zayn walked in.

He had an 'aw' look plastered on his face.


The girls finally went home and you and Zayn were alone cuddling into each other, while watching movies.

Out of nowhere he brought up a question that surprised you.

"Y/N what do you think of a little princess or a little prince in the house?" Your husband of 3 years asked.

"What are you trying to tell me babe?" You asked him curiously.

"What I'm trying to tell you is that I want babies." He told you full of hope.

"Yeah okay I would love to have babies with you." You said.

"No. I don't want you to do it for me. Only do it if you're ready for this responsibility." He told you.

"I'm ready Zayn. Besides it'll be fun." You told him wiggling your eye brows and shoulders up and down earning a chuckle from Zayn.

"Thanks love."


Zayn Malik ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now