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Zayn was out with his friends, and you were pretty sure he won't be home for a long time.

You were bored and realized that the house need cleaning. So you started cleaning while listening to music.

Couple of hours have passed and you were still cleaning. One of Zayn's songs came on, 'Pillow Talk' you adore this song. Not just because it's your boyfriend's song but it actually really good, I mean it's ZAYN'S song of course it's good.

While you were mopping the house you started singing along loudly and you didn't hear the sound of your front door open and Zayn entering this huge house.

"SO WE'L PISS OFF THE NEIGHBORS..." You sang at the top of your lungs.

"IN THE PLACE THAT FILLS THE TEARS THE PLACE YOU LOSE YOUR FEARS..." Your boyfriend of 3 years sang along.

You were surprised. You immediately turned around, your face was pale.

"Zayn. I didn't know you were coming early today." You said still shocked.

"I missed you... And by the way you have a great voice." Zayn chuckled.

You blushed really hard. Your face was turning red.

"Babe, I didn't know you can sing that well. You're really good."

"Thanks." You thanked him still a little shy.

"I could listen to you sing all day long."

Zayn Malik ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now