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      Today was a normal day. You were in your house and Zayn went to buy couple of things from a store near by.

     You were at the kitchen looking for something to eat because you were so hungry like a goddamn bear without his honey.

   You then heard your phone's ringtone, you walked to where it was. It was in the living room on a coffee table. You grabbed the vibrating phone and looked at the caller ID. It was your mother, you picked up the phone and swung it next to your ear.

     "Hi mum." You said cheerfully.

      "Hey, love." You heard your mum say at the end of the line, you also heard faint sobs. You had a feeling that you'd get some bad news.

       "Mum? What's wrong?" You asked, worry in your eyes.

      "Y/N honey, I have something to tell you." She said obviously crying even more.

     "And that is...?" You were very worried, you had butterflies in your stomach. You didn't know what was about to come.

     "Well, love... Your aunt just died this morning." She said now full on sobs.

    "What? Mum is this some kind of prank?" You asked now at the urge of crying. "No Y-" She was cut off by you. "Mum if this is some kind of joke then this isn't funny." You said now letting out all th tears.

   "Listen honey, I know this is very hard on you. It's hard on me too but we can't do anything about this." She said trying to comfort you.

    "I gotta go. Love you Y/N." She quickly said as she hung up on the phone.

    You couldn't believe it. Your aunt just died. You sat down on the couch and started bawling your eyes out.

    You were very close to your aunt. She was always there for you. She used to be the one who bought you gifts when you were just a child. She used to be the one who would take you to school when you were a kid. You guys did everything together and now she's gone.

   Tears fell from your eyes repeatedly, as sobs escaped your mouth.

    After about 10 minutes of just sitting there crying, you heard the door open. You didn't bother to get up and see who it was, you didn't bother doing anything.

Zayn's P.O.V.

    I walked in the house and called out for my wife. "Babe I'm home." I yelled. I didn't hear a reply all heard is faint sobs coming from the living room.

    I walked in to catch sight of my wife sitting on the couch, face in her hands, sobbing. I immediately dropped the plastic bag that was in my hand and walked towards her.

  "Y/N? baby what's wrong?" I asked as I sat down next to her.

  "M-my a-aunt just d-d-died." She said crying even more. I felt so bad, I always knew how much she was close with her aunt.

  "Oh my god babe I am so sorry." I said embracing her in a hug.

   "Everything will be okay Y/N. Shhhh." I said trying to comfort her.

    "How's everything going to be okay Zayn?! My freaking aunt just died! Everything is not okay!" She said continuing her sobs.

    I just hugged her and then lifted her head up by her chin. "Listen baby; sure she isn't her now, but she's in a better place. Now stop crying because I'm pretty sure she wouldn't want you to cry this much." I told her.

   Her sobs eventually calmed down. But she still was crying into my chest.

    I kept whispering in her ear, "Shhh it'll be okay." "Everything will be fine." "Calm down baby."

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