Chapter 16, Presentation.

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I'm meant to be getting ready for school but I felt like posting the final chapter of this!! I hope you like it and that it isn't too cheesy.

About 2 weeks laterrrrrrr

The arts' presentation evening was in an hour and Phil was so afraid. His knees were shaking and he didn't want to mess anything up. The project meant so much to him so he couldn't just throw it away by forgetting his words.

"You can do it!" Phil muttered to himself before grabbing his usb stick and running out of the door of his house.


People were everywhere. Phil immediately spotted Dan at the back of the hall and waved at him. They had gotten so much closer in 2 weeks and Phil could say that he definitely had a crush on his best friend. Especially since Dan liked Muse, anime and YouTube! That was just a plus to how beautiful he was. Dan was just generally perfect.

"Up first we have Connor Franta!" The teacher yelled and it was followed by a loud round of applause. Connor nervously glanced at Phil before slipping through the stage doors and walking on stage.

Phil was the last person to present and his heart was beating fast inside his chest.. It was going to be a long night..


The second to last person walked off stage and Phil felt like he was going to throw up. "Phil Lester!" His name was called and it took everything for him not to bolt off and throw up his lunch. He nervously headed on stage and, as soon as he saw how many people were watching, his mind set into panic mode but he could do this.

His slideshow of photos began to play on the projector and Phil took a large breath before beginning. "As you know our project was based on things we find beautiful. I decided to go around school and take photos of people. I find people beautiful. A lot of people probably went for ordinary things such as flowers or paintings but I decided to go with my heart and choose people. As you can see, I took photos of a variety of people. Some male, some female. Some English, some foreign. But they all have at least one thing in common, don't they? They're beautiful. Even if they don't think so, each and every one of them are beautiful. I didn't even use any filters or edits because none of them needed it. In my opinion, natural beauty is the best kind of beauty. You don't need make up or editing to be beautiful. So stop searching for beauty in different places when the beauty is directly in front of you. Just look to the left, there's someone beautiful. To the right, someone beautiful. Beauty is all around you. Even if you don't think so, everything has its own unique beauty. For example, up here we have a photo of Joe Sugg," Phil gestured to the photo of Joe on the projector. "He's wearing skinny jeans and, no offence, but he appears a little unapproachable, right? But he's still beautiful. No one can deny that his quiff isn't perfectly done and his eyes a lovely shade of blue. But then, here we have Louise Pentland. She's the opposite to Joe. She looks soft, gentle, kind and she still looks beautiful. They're complete opposites but still, they hold an equal amount of beauty. It doesn't matter if you're looking at someone from a rich background or poor, an English or an American, a good person or bad, you are all beautiful. Everyone should be able to stand in front of a mirror and say I'm beautiful because it's true. It really is. You're all beautiful. Thank you for listening." Phil bowed and the room erupted into applause. People were smiling and laughing (not at him but with him) and everyone looked so happy.

Phil was grinning like an idiot.

He spotted Joe in the crowd and he was shyly smiling as were Caspar and Troye. Tyler was laughing his head off as were a few people around him. Louise, Marzia and Zoe were smiling and blushing slightly as were Luke, Mikey and Charlie. PJ and Chris were hugging Dan who was sobbing (happy tears Phil hoped). It was just a wonderful sight.

Phil was sunshine and he lit up the room. He couldn't see one sad face.


"That went so well! You were brilliant. You even made me cry at the end.. thanks for that." Dan chuckled after the presentation had ended.

"Everything I said was true though. Also, Dan.. There's something I needed to tell you." Dan immediately furrowed his eyebrows in worry because Phil was frowning and Phil Lester never frowned. "I like you. I have a crush on you and I have done since I first asked to take your photo. You've just mesmerised me from the very beginning."

"Really? Phil.. That's.. That's.. adorable." Dan leant in and hugged Phil tightly, tears filling his eyes.

"I think I like you too." They then shared a kiss and you know what? Dan was no longer a thundercloud, he was now sunshine with Phil. Together, they would light up the whole school.

Are you satisfied with the ending?

I think I quite like it because, even though it's super cheesy, it's true. Everyone is beautiful. Phil's whole speech is true, okay? So if you don't think you're beautiful.. think again.. you are beautiful. So beautiful.

And although that may be a little hypocritical coming from me, I believe it. No matter what background you have or who you are personality-wise, you are still beautiful. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise.

I love you all so much<3

Thank you for reading ^-^

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