Chapter 1

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"Do you feel it?" Skurn questioned as she walked at Kylo's side. "He's coming today."

Kylo glanced at her through his mask. "We all can feel it, look at them, they are all restless."

"They're always restless, I'm surprised they haven't killed each other by now out of boredom." She retorted. "Honestly, they make us look like angels at times."

"Fallen ones perhaps." He commented dryly. "But no one here is by any means a true angel."

Skurn decided to change the subject. "Has Hux sent any word of how the army is coming?"

"He sent Phasma." He replied. "She claims the Storm Troopers are growing in number quite rapidly. We should be ready for another attack soon."

She fell silent as they continued walking through their dark home, of course light was here and there to guide their way along the path but this far under ground very little light was real. Looking up, she paused to stare up at one of the few openings to the sky above, the stars looked even farther away than usual... How she wished she could leave and travel them again. But her place was here with the Knights of Ren now, not wandering the galaxy in search of employment. Beside her Kylo finally noticed she had stopped and walked back to her, pulling her along behind him.

"We don't want to be late." He chided. "Master Snoke will be displeased already with our failure, he will not take kindly to us being late for his arrival."

"It's been a year, he should get over it." She grumbled.

Kylo scoffed. "Snoke has every right to still be furious with us. He ordered us a simple task: get the map from the Resistance so we could find and kill Skywalker. We failed that task."

"We?" Skurn arched her eyebrow at him from under her helmet. "That was your task. Mine was to be trained by you."

"It is still your task as well." Kylo argued.

"Whatever." Skurn muttered.

"Don't talk to your master like that." His voice growled in a hint of frustration.

It was her turn to scoff at him. "You taught me next to nothing since arriving here other than simple customs."

"Yet you've grown in your power under my guidance." Kylo shot back, stopping and standing in front of her, examining her like one would inspect a weapon for any imperfections. "You will make a fine Knight of Ren one day... once your training is finished."

"And when will that be?" She challenged. "I can already hold my own in a fight against you, my abilities with the Force are controlled now! I can even do that choking trick just like you!"

"Basic." He answered. "You will be ready for your trial when I say you are."

Skurn scowled at his back as he turned away from her. Was he blind to her skills, especially when she'd managed every challenge with ease thanks to Snoke's training in dreams? Or perhaps he was ignoring it? Whatever the case was, Kylo was at least proud of her deep down. He even gave her more free time between sessions now that her training was going so well, though she knew one slip up could mean it all got harder again. When they got to the gathering, most of the other knights were already gathered; their black cloaks making the large room look as if a shadow or void were taking over. Skurn took her place at the edge of the crowd as Kylo made his way to the front, as Master of Ren, he would greet Snoke as soon as their ultimate leader arrived. The others around her cast her glances, no matter how long she was there none of them had forgotten the state at which she'd arrived in, not to mention her background when that had somehow slipped out. A grimace formed on her face, none of them trusted or liked her among their ranks.

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