Chapter 3

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Lucifi stared hopelessly at the three paths he could take, after spending all night wandering around trying to figure out where the training room was he had managed to get completely lost. The others here were no help, merely ignoring him at best or threatening him at worst when he tried to get directions... needless to say he wished he had never agreed to come here. Finally making a decision, he went straight and hoped it was the right direction, he was too tired to keep wandering around. In fact, Lucifi wished he had just stayed in his room, what if no one ever found him here? Or what if his master did?

"Why can't they make these places easy to navigate?" He muttered as he brought his cloak closer to his body, seeking its warmth in this cold tunnel.

A shudder went through his body as the few lights that lined the tunnel disappeared, leaving him in complete darkness. Was this a tunnel no one used or was the lights just broken? Lucifi paused and used the wall for support as he looked at his options, he could keep going and figure out where this led... or go back and pick another path. Neither choice sounded great so he forced himself to keep walking again, someone would find him eventually right? The minutes ticked by and the tunnel continued to grow colder and colder as the slope went deeper into the earth, he tried not to think of what would happen if the tunnel collapsed. Light appeared up ahead finally, dim at first but it slowly grew and made him pick up his pace.

Upon reaching the end however, he nearly went off the drop off and fell on the dagger like crystals below. The blinding light they gave off made him squint as he stared down at the beautiful sight below him. He couldn't tell if they were just normal crystals or Kaiburr Crystals used in lightsabers at this angle and height but there were so many of them he doubted it was the latter. Surely they would be better protected if they were. A presence behind him made Lucifi turn around just in time for him to be shoved over the edge. He gave a cry of alarm before feeling someone grab his wrists and hold him on the edge so he was dangling above the dangerously beautiful jewels below.

"I had a simple order. Be on time." His master snarled through her mask. "Now face the consequence of your failure to do that... pull yourself up and follow me."

Lucifi could feel the rock crumbling under his tight grip and struggled to find a more solid hold, desperate to get back to safety before he plummeted to his death. His mentor, Zein, merely stared at him from the mouth of the tunnel as he struggled. Anger surged through him, didn't she care he was slowly slipping? Lucifi glared at her and doubled his efforts to get back up, his muscles protesting against his will. Finally, he felt a spot the ground was sturdy and tightened his grip as he pulled himself up. He almost had a leg back onto the outcrop with a loud crack sounded through the rock and a crack appeared, Lucifi felt himself falling once more and his heart hammered even harder than before in his chest.

Then the falling sensation was gone. He opened his eyes to see the rocks disappear in a fissure between the cliff wall and crystals before looking up to see his mentor dragging him back to the tunnel before more rock loosened. Lucifi staggered to his feet as quickly as he could but only managed to stumble as his legs gave out and fell on Zein, who shrugged him off her shoulder so he collapsed to the ground. He winced in pain as it jarred his old wounds, they were healed of course, but the pain still lingered continuously.

A shadow fell over him as his mentor glared down at him. "Get up, we still have to get to the training room and then we have to start your training."

He gave a cough in response before rising to his feet shakily and limping after her, trying to stay quiet after remembering her annoyance yesterday. It was a bit hard considering how tired he was but his master seemed to be putting up with him at the moment, she seemed to be a bit lost in thought though so he wasn't about to do anything to interrupt her thoughts. Lucifi continued to follow her, this time mapping out their route, he was determined not to get lost... or at least not so lost... next time he was on his own.

"You haven't said anything since getting here." Zein's voice echoed off the tunnel as she turned into a larger and fairly brighter one. "Are you weak and mute?"

He wasn't a mute! Lucifi looked at the ground, what was there to say? This wasn't the type of place where someone greeted others with a 'hi, how are you' type of thing. Now weak... that was debatable, his limp came and went with his other pains throughout the day. So he wasn't completely handicapped,  though weak enveloped more than just that. Once training started he would prove himself to her... he had to.

"Force, I hate this silence." His master muttered before glaring back at him. "Will you say anything? I heard you scream so it isn't like your tongue was cut out!"

Anger surged through him until a red haze filled his vision. His hand went to the lightsaber at his belt as he lunged at her, the burning feeling consuming his mind until it was blank of anything but the lust to kill her for her biting words. His blows were blocked hit for hit, much to his increasing frustration, until his master held up a hand and he felt an invisible force knock him onto the ground flat on his back. A black blade of energy hovered above his throat as Zein stood calmly above him, nothing visible under her helmet for him to gauge her emotions.

The haze faded as quickly as it came, leaving Lucifi dazed and a bit confused as to what had just happened. He swallowed nervously though as he saw the weapon at his throat. His own weapon was just out of reach and useless to him in this fight... not that it seemed to be much of a fight now. His master turned away while deactivating her dark saber... wait, dark saber? Those were rare so how...? A fleeting moment of pain flashed through his skull before it faded, he wore this mask to help protect his head, so why had he felt that impact through it? Lucifi shrugged his doubts aside and scrambled to collect his lightsaber and catch up with Zein before he was left behind again.     

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