Chapter 17

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Kylo walked out of his ship with his lightsaber ready, all around him Storm Troopers were firing at the surprised Resistance fighters while TIE Fighters rained down shots from above, damaging ships before they could take off. But his eyes were drawn to the figure at the edge of the base... holding a limp figure in their arms. He started walking towards them, slicing his lightsaber through any rebel in his way and blocking blaster bolts fired at him. His brother didn't fail to notice his advance either and Kylo scowled under his mask in hatred as Alder put the limp figure on the ground and took out his lightsaber, activating the purple blade.

"You will die today, brother." Kylo snarled, the sound sounding even more inhuman through his mask.

"I did what I had to." Alder blocked the first attack before advancing in a quick session of blows.

He retreated a few steps before intercepting a strike at his neck and kicking his brother to the ground. The sound of a blaster being fired from behind him caused Kylo to quickly turn and deflect the blast before lowering his blade slightly upon seeing Leia Organa, his mother, standing there with the weapon in her hand. The look of agony on her face was evident and made him laugh.

"Emotions, sentiment, make you weak." He sneered at her, walking towards her like a cat would a mouse.

Alder could be heard preparing to strike him down from behind and quickly held up a hand, freezing his brother in his tracks. Kylo smirked and put his lightsaber away to take off his mask.

"The last thing you will see is the one you love killing you." He told his mother as he walked forward again.

"Ben..." His mother's voice was slightly pleading. "This isn't you. You are good; I can feel it inside you, Ben. Come home."

The pull to the light was growing in strength and irritation inside him as he stood a foot away from her, the blaster no longer aimed at him. Kylo stared at her as she held it out to him before taking the weapon in his hands and pondering it, finally tossing it to the side. Hope emanated from his mother at the sight and he casually took out his lightsaber.

"Ben Solo is dead." Kylo activated the blade and allowed the blade to rip through her chest.

"Mom, no!" Alder's wail came from behind them as he summoned his helmet back to his hands and placed it back on his head. "Monster!"

"No more so than you." He snapped back. "We have both killed family, do not call one a monster without looking at what you've done."

"I don't kill innocents when I'm in my right mind. Poison clouded my judgment, don't compare what I did to this!" Alder fumed, struggling against Kylo's hold on him.

He let his brother go and glanced back as Alder staggered and fell to his knees at his mother's side. Another cry of anger and pain rose from the Jedi's throat, which he ignored as he crouched down beside Skurn's form. Blood covered her and one of her closed eyes was obviously damaged. Kylo took the muzzle off her mouth and felt warmth soak his clothes as he head rolled to the side with blood running from it, anger threatened to overwhelm his rational thoughts as he watched the crimson fall to the ground and pool.

"This isn't where you die." He hissed. "Not now, not at this fight, so get up!"

"What happened to sentiment being weak?" Alder's voice rose from behind him laced with venom. "What happened to emotions getting you killed?"

"This is not sentiment." Kylo stood up and turned to face his brother. "It is getting back an ally."

"Liar." Alder's eyes were dark with blood thirst and stalked towards him with both his red and purple lightsabers in hand. "You don't think I can't sense it? Your feelings betray you brother."

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