Chapter 8

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Rey rushed into the room where General Organa was overlooking and ordering around Resistance fighters as they prepared to make a small mission to take out an enemy base that was half abandoned. After her and Finn's unexpected arrival late last night, she had observed that the general had seemed a bit sad but now that Organa was out and about with the other rebels she was acting strong again.

But that wasn't why she was hurrying over. "General Organa, I have something important to report!"

The woman turned to face her, grief hidden behind steely resolve but still visible to Rey's trained eyes. "What is it? You should still be resting."

"I... I felt him." Rey stated. "Alder is alive he was trying to use the Force to reach out to me but... I felt darkness surrounding him. He's in danger but I think I can follow his Force signature and save him."

"Absolutely not." General Organa responded. "The Resistance has already lost my son and husband, we are not going to lose one of the last Jedi on our side."

"But Alder is alive!" Rey stressed, staring at her in disbelief and anger. "You can't seriously just be thinking of leaving him somewhere he could get killed, he's your son!"

"Yes, and I love him, but I have more lives than his to take into account." She turned her back to Rey. "I cannot permit you to die trying to save him if he is alive. That could kill both of you."

"You know, Alder always tried to do what was right no matter the consequences it could cause him... He was always doing it to make you proud." Rey glared at her as she spoke through her clenched teeth. "During my training I learned how to sense emotions through the Force... Alder is so full of anger and frustration and you haven't helped him make him feel useful. It's a true miracle he hasn't turned to the Dark side."

"Never say that again." General Organa snapped back as though she'd been physically struck. "Now go rest and stay out of trouble. I will send a guard if needed."

Rey spun around, if the general of the Resistance wouldn't even try helping her then perhaps two others would. After thinking Alder was dead, to know he was still alive was too hard for her not to go save him, trap or not. He had been loyal to them despite the trials and Rey wasn't about to turn her back on him when he needed her help. Though, all the cold darkness that she had felt along with his Force signature was disturbing to her... where could he be with that much Dark side energy surrounding him?

"Finn, hey Finn, wake up!" Rey pounded on his door as she finally found it. "Hurry!"

The door opened with a tired looking Finn staring at her in pajamas. "Rey, why are you awake? It's too early to be awake after our trip."

She walked past him as he yawned before grabbing his fresh uniform and tossing it to him. "Get ready and meet me by the landing docks."

"Alright, alright." Finn nodded and closed the door behind her.

Rey ran through the halls until she found Poe by his X-Wing fighter. "Poe, follow me!"

He was about to question her but Rey yanked him by the arm, she would answer his questions and Finn's once they were all together. She made sure to avoid as many rebels as possibly, not wanting one to notice her and possibly mention her roaming to General Organa, until she reached the meeting spot where the Falcon was still parked and gathering dust. She was silent for a few minutes before looking up as Finn entered with Chewie and BB-8 at his side, though she wouldn't know where he'd managed to find them, she was glad they were there.

"What is going on Rey?" Finn questioned.

Poe rolled his eyes as he leaned against the ship. "That's what I would like to know."

BB-8 and Chewie made sounds of agreement as they stared at her.

Rey took a deep breath and began to explain. "I felt Alder trying to reach out to me through the Force. He's alive somewhere, I'm not sure where, but he isn't dead like we were all led to believe. We need to find out who took him and rescue him before it's too late."

Poe gave her an interest look but crossed his arms. "How do you suggest we do that when we don't even know where he is?"

"I can try to track his Force signature and communicate with him." She responded confidently. "But we'll need stealth and weapons. I felt the Dark side with him... much stronger than what Kylo Ren could give off."

Chewie growled at the name.

Rey looked at him. "Chewie, the man who took Alder could have killed Han. Don't you want to stop him from killing again?"

Finn took a step forward. "Jedi don't seek revenge Rey, that's the first thing Master Skywalker told us."

"We aren't going for revenge, we're going on a rescue mission."

"I'm guessing General Organa didn't assign this rescue mission." Poe stated as he looked over her shoulder.

Rey turned to see several guards walking towards them and pointed to the Falcon. "No, now Chewie, get us out of here. I won't be stuck here knowing Alder could be killed without us even trying to do anything to prevent it."

"I'm in." Finn nodded as he followed her.

Poe was right behind BB-8 as he boarded the Falcon with them. "Looks like I don't really have a choice."

"I really hope this thing isn't broken again." Rey muttered with a look at Chewie as the Wookie went to the controls, he seemed happy to finally have something to do again. 

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