Bonus Chapter 4

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Hux started to feel a worm of worry as the last of the Storm Troopers returned to the ship without a sign that Kylo Ren was back as well. After working beside the tall man, Hux knew that Kylo would have been sure to make his entrance noticed... so where was he? Surely he hadn't fallen in the fight? Oh how would he tell Snoke if that had happened, it would be the last thing he ever did!

"Phasma!" Hux barked the name as the chrome colored armor flashed into sight. "Report!"

The female Storm Trooper broke away from the others and motioned them to go complete their after battle tasks before walking over to him. "We won. The Resistance leader is dead as well as their second in command, we sustained heavy losses but I am sure we can finish them off soon with the confusion we caused."

"What about Kylo Ren?" Hux questioned, staring back at the chrome helmet that now seemed an orange-red with his hair reflected on its surface.

Phasma was silent for a few moments before looking away. "I don't know, I didn't see him among the dead though."

"We can't lose him Phasma, you know what that would mean for the both of us!" Hux growled. "Now go find him."

"We are missing a TIE Fighter, he could have escaped in that, though you would think Lord Ren would come back here." Her voice held a hint of sneering defiance at the order.

Hux turned to one of the lesser people working at the consuls. "You, track every working TIE Fighter, I want Kylo Ren found."

"Sir." The man stood up, a nervous expression covering his face. "They are all accounted for if you take out the one's destroyed."

"Check again!" Hux snapped.

The man flinched but continued. "I wasn't finished... One went to lightspeed during the fight, the coordinates were to come here, but it never arrived. We lost the signal..."

Hux turned away from the man, dismissing him. If the signal was gone that could only mean that the TIE Fighter had been destroyed. Kylo Ren was dead. He looked over at Phasma. "Take care of that man, we can't let anything about Lord Ren's death get out. The Resistance can't get their hopes up when we are so close to crushing them."

"Of course." Phasma paused as she started to leave before glancing back at him. "What will you tell Snoke?"

How she knew the name, Hux didn't know, unless he had once told her of course, but he didn't answer her question or interrogate her on her knowledge. Instead, he merely waved her off before walking to another part of the Star Destroyer. He wouldn't tell Snoke of Kylo Ren's death just yet. If he could, Hux would wait until after they had taken out the Resistance... at least that should put Supreme Leader Snoke in a better mood before hearing about his apprentice.   

Next update will be the announcement of the last book in the trilogy so keep a look out for it!  

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