Chapter 9

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Skurn walked through the modern halls of the lower levels with Kylo by her side. She knew he hadn't gone to the training room today for their session because she was distracted but so far the two had wasted their valuable training time in silence. With a glance at the clock, her body froze slightly as she saw the time... she'd have to go train her own apprentice soon. Worry and confusion filled her more than ever. Lucifi wasn't whom he said, Snoke could've brought him in not knowing he was a spy, or perhaps this was a test to see if she gave away First Order secrets... What was she going to do? She didn't want to train the enemy if that's what he was.

"I won't be patient forever." Kylo cut through the silence, probably sensing her anxiety and seeing the time trickling away.

"Kylo I..." She stared at him, not sure how to explain especially with so many others to over hear. "It's Lucifi."

"Having problems with training him?" His voice was full of humor. "I could try finding someone else to train him."

"No, that's not the problem. He is actually quite good with a lightsaber, though his Force skills are lacking without his blind anger." She turned down a more secluded and darker tunnel that would lead to the cave system above. "It's who he is."

"What about him is bothering you so much? You seem so distracted today, why does it bother you so much now?" He questioned, seeming to stare into her soul with his dark eyes.

She stared at him nervously, his scar seemed to create a darker and sinister look to his face but she shook the thought off. He wouldn't attack her for a theory... right? "Lucifi is, or was, a Jedi. You said you killed them all except Skywalker and your brother, but he's dead right?"

"What are you getting at?" Kylo pressed. "One could have escaped but I may not have been the only to leave for the Dark side back then."

"Last night I found Lucifi-"

"Why were you with him last night?" He interrupted.

"Not sleeping because of the screaming he was making." She growled back slightly. "He was in the hall sleeping again, having nightmares by the sound of it. When I found him he was awake, a bit confused about where he was... like he knew me but was scared."

"I would be too if I woke you up in the middle of the night." He glanced at his lightsaber. "Well, maybe not as much as your apprentice. You'll never be as scary as me."

"Any way..." She continued, ignoring his attempted joke. " He started actually talking with me, so he isn't a mute, but the most interesting part wasn't that or what he said. I pulled his helmet off because he was nearly thrashing on the ground, I didn't want to take care of his body, what I saw... Kylo, promise me you won't act irrationally."

His eyes narrowed. "Who do you think he is?"

"Alder." She winced as he rounded on her and pinned her to the wall, rage was now radiating from his body.

"My brother is dead. I left his body in the snow." Kylo snarled, pressing her harder against the wall.

"Then why did he look just like you?" She challenged, feeling his hand on her throat ready to press down and crush her windpipe.

She winced as he went into her mind before staring down at her. "I should have sensed it... Something is off with him though, Snoke must be behind it."

"What are we going to do about it? He isn't on our side, no matter what Snoke says I'll never believe he is with us."

"Nothing for now. We cannot kill him against my master's orders, my brother stays alive for now." Skurn saw his eyes narrow in concern as he stared at her neck. "Who did that to you?"

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