Chapter 16

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Another round of torture was signaled as the cell door opened. She didn't even bother to look up as Alder activated his lightsaber and started burning her with it once more. She felt the pain, knew if he went too deep the blade would go into her heart, but it was a numb feeling now. Only two days of this and she had stopped caring about the torment she was given, though it did irk her that no one had bothered to give her at least a bit of water. She was dehydrating and slowly dying in this cell and the muzzle didn't help with her mood and neither did the restrains that were currently rubbing the skin on her wrists raw until they would bleed, scab over, and bleed again after a few movements.

"Just tell me what we want to know." Alder instructed. "Nod if you will."

She ignored him.

More pain as he went into her mind. Skurn fought back savagely until he winced and retreated. Alder tried a different tactic and grabbed her by the collar of her shirt before slamming her back against the wall, dots went across her vision but she shook it off. The daze it brought her blocked the pain of a knife slowly sinking into the flesh of her side until she felt it scrape a rib and stop.

"Tell me what the First Order and Knights of Ren are planning!" Alder growled.

Again she clenched her teeth and shook her head in refusal.

The knife was ripped out of her side as he turned away from her, glaring towards the guard who was watching. "She isn't going to talk... bring Chewie in here."

That Wookie... Skurn hated that walking carpet. But she wouldn't speak no matter what. She'd have a limb ripped off and refuse, if Kylo was alive, she wouldn't betray his plans to the Resistance... not even with her last breath. However, it was General Organga who came through the cell door next, and she didn't seem pleased.

"Take her to be executed." She spoke firmly. "We can't keep wasting time with her when there are others who we can capture and convince to tell us... Ones who are less dangerous."

Alder nodded. "I'll take care of her."

"Make sure you do."

A fist connected hard to her skull and she felt herself go limp as she fell unconscious on the bloodied floor.

Skurn felt the pain first as she finally came to and then came the feeling of something other than hard walls and uncomfortable floors. Blinking, she found herself outside with the rebel base a good distance away, much to her confusion. Footsteps walked past her and revealed Alder as he stopped and looked at her, there was blood on his clothing... fresh blood.

"You're officially dead." He spoke up. "I showed my mother 'your' corpse... well, I don't think they'll be able to identify the body as yours after what I did to it, but once you're off the planet they'll think I did my job right."

She glanced at his lightsaber, wishing she could turn her head to see Alder more clearly, but her restraints prevent any movement. Skurn struggled slightly, hating the fact she was at this Jedi's mercy, before giving up and looking at the ground. The pain had doubled due to her struggles and the blood that had only been oozing from the wound in her chest was now running out steadily once more... she glared at him. After their deal he had still turned against her, sure it was due to his loyalty to his mother and friends, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to kill him for it. He might not be aware of it, but under the reluctance he felt while performing the torture... he had enjoyed it.

"Can you fly a ship?" Alder questioned, turning back to the base to stare at the X-Wings that were for the most part unguarded on the landing space.

Of course she could fly a ship. Skurn nodded with a bit of difficulty, unable to speak with the muzzle and tight rope restraining her to the tree.

Alder crouched down and started working on freeing her bonds. As soon as she felt them loosen, she lunged at him. Pinning him to the ground with her hands on his throat as the bewildered Jedi tried to pry her off. Anger surged through her as she wished she could inflict as much pain as he had on her. A single kick to the gut made her release him and roll to her side before his weight was on her, holding her still as Alder fought her squirming form to put the restraints back on. Skurn elbowed him in the throat, though she'd been aiming at his face, before snatching a lightsaber from his belt and activating it.

"Stop! I'm trying to help you!" Alder moved away and got to his feet, taking out his own lightsaber but not activating its blade. "I had to torture you, I know it wasn't right, but I'm not going to do that anymore. You helped me now I'm helping you."

Now that she was free she could help herself. He wasn't needed; in fact the only thing he could do was signal the alarm about her escape. Skurn lunged at him and brought the purple blade down at his head, getting blocked just before she could land a hit. She tried again, wishing she had her own weapon instead of this one and its uncomfortable grip. Once more Alder blocked her series of strikes until she slowed just enough for him to land a hit on her. The red blade slid along her borrowed weapon's and blood ran across her vision as she staggered back, blinded by the crimson liquid flowing down her face, and unable to prevent the next attack as lightning shot out of his fingertips and set her to the ground.

All of her wounds had torn open by now, she could feel each and every one of them become slick with blood. She could also taste blood in her mouth but was unable to get rid of it with the muzzle, which was damaged, but still intact on her face. Skurn's breathing became labored as the blood she couldn't swallow built up in her lungs and throat. She could sense him beside her as she struggled to breathe, the hum of his lightsaber was gone as he took the one she'd stolen back and caught his own breath after the lightning he'd shot at her.

"I gave you chances." Alder finally growled. "You should've taken them... Rey was right about scum like you. Maybe I should have killed you and saved my self the trouble of fighting you now, maybe I should've just listened to Rey about learning Dark side skills and left you in that cell to rot! It's better than you deserve. This death is better than you deserve, bounty hunter filth."

Scum? Filth? Had he just called her that? Skurn glared at him with the eye that wasn't over run with dripping blood, wishing she could keep fighting. By now however, darkness was descending on her as the lack of air finally took its toll. She felt herself being picked up and carried but didn't bother to open her eyes to see where she was being taken to... a grave in the middle of nowhere so her body was never discovered probably... not that it mattered now, her body was losing feeling. The last thing she could recall was the sound of blasters firing down and Alder's quickened pace, hopefully he would die in this new attack.    

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