Chapter 19

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All the arguing was giving Rey a headache as she stood by Finn and Poe in the back of the room. Yes, the Resistance needed a leader, and the right one out of those that survived the attack, but why did they have to debate over it so loudly. Not to mention the fact they were starting to act like General Organa hadn't just died.

"This is insane." Finn muttered under his breath.

She nodded. "I know. What did Storm Troopers do when their leader died?"

He gave her a slightly surprised look at the question. "Phasma assigned a new commander for our unit who had been trained for that position, though she was the one in charge of the division itself... what she said happened no matter what."

"And if she died?"

"Hux or Kylo Ren would put someone in charge." He gave her a look, seeing what she was getting at. "If the highest up was dead there would be a power struggle a bit more physical than this but just as violent and loud."

Rey sighed. "Yeah, well while we're sitting here defenseless the First Order could be planning another attack on us."

Alder's entrance distracted the three of them as he walked through the crowd of people and stood up on the nearest table. "Silence!"

His shout made her eyes widen slightly in surprise, though she could tell the outburst had shocked many of those gathered if not everyone. One of the senior commanders stepped forward. "What is the meaning of this Solo? We are trying to decide the next General."

"I couldn't tell." Alder's voice was sarcastic before he gazed at those gathered around. "Alright, then who are you considering?"

A bunch of murmuring swept through in various languages and Rey was confident they all thought they were running... or most of them at least. Beside her, Poe and Finn were watching everyone tensely, clearly not enjoying the situation. After a few minutes the commander cleared his throat and waved five of the senior, yet young, members up. They all looked like they'd fit perfectly for the command they held but Rey wasn't sure if they knew how to act as a general of all the Resistance.

"These five and myself. We all have experience, more than you, Jedi."

"Very true." Alder nodded. "But did that chaos sound like using your experience? How many here actually knew who was up to lead? Do they even know what you or the other five could offer in leadership?"

The looks cast around told Rey that no one was sure what had been going on. She gave Alder an encouraging nod, not sure where he was going with this but it seemed to be getting everyone organized. It was amazing how much he seemed to have changed by losing his parents, though she could tell his wound still hadn't been treated like the old Alder would leave his injuries.

"Well, we were going to discuss it..." The youngest one said, trailing off as he saw the look Alder's face.

"Yeah, when no one could hear you." He growled back before speaking to them as a whole. "This is your choice, your votes decide our fate, unless you think you'll lead the Resistance to victory... I suggest you sit down."

"Who put you in charge of this?" The older man spoke once more.

Rey saw a hint of fury in Alder's gaze, though his voice was calm... a bit disturbingly calm. "I did. I did because no one here was going to get anything done blabbing away like they were. No one else was taking control of this situation and we need to start moving again before the First Order makes another move while we sit around arguing over the next general. Now, who wants to go first and say exactly why they should be in charge?"

None of the six people stepped forward, even the older man seemed taken back by Alder's words. Rey knew they rang with truth and was glad he'd spoken up, but she was slightly concerned with the tone of voice he was using. She cast the thought aside, it was just the loss of his mother, and she didn't think her tone would be much better if she was in his place at the moment.

A new voice spoke from the doorway that caused everyone to jump. "I don't know about you, but I'd put him in charge. At least he knows how to get things done... unlike the Senate did."

A hush fell over the room and Rey gapped as she saw the man standing there. As though the stares of disbelief didn't faze him in the slightest, Luke Skywalker stepped into the room completely like it was normal. With a glance at Alder, Rey could see he was just as shocked.

"Uncle?" Alder finally whispered as he began moving again, breaking the trance that had fallen over the rebels.

"General Solo." He replied; using the title he'd unofficially given his nephew. "I believe you said we had a base to move and a war to finish."

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