Chapter 10

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"Kylo... Ren!" Kylo looked up from his meditation and narrowed his eyes to see Lucifi breathing heavily. "S-Snoke told me to... to get you."

"For what?" He questioned, annoyed for being interrupted.

"A meeting." Lucifi saw his expression. "That's all he told me."

He summoned his lightsaber and followed his brother through the tunnels as he put on his helmet, the Force hadn't shown him anything about the future despite his attempts, which left him pondering what Snoke had in mind for them. All of the Knights of Ren were gathered in the gathering place, a giant circle around the center where Snoke stood on his raised outcropping while Skurn stood beneath it... worry filled him as he walked easily through those gathered while his brother joined them to watch. Only a day had gone by since her loyalty had been tested, surely nothing could have happened since then... right?

"Snoke." He knelt down before his master before rising to his feet. "What is the meaning of this?"

His master's disoriented face stared down at him coldly. "It is time for Zein Ren to face her trial."

"Why wasn't I informed?" He growled, anger pricking through him as he glared through his mask at his master. "I announce the trials for everyone here."

The tension was nearly buzzing as Snoke glowered down at him, fury radiating from him, though his voice was calm as he spoke. "It would not be professional to make the announcer be his own champion to fight in a trial now would it? She can easily take out two Knights of Ren; let's give her a bit of a challenge before she's completely accepted. You may start the fight when you are ready."

Kylo stared at Skurn as she backed away from him, he could sense fear coming off her as he matched her step for step before activating his lightsaber. He knew what Snoke was doing; his master was getting rid of the weakest of them so that later only one would be left to deal with. Well he wasn't going to die easily. Across from him, Skurn activated her dark saber and took a blade in each hand to move them individually... she was ready to fight back... good.

"Let me show you what a fully trained Knight of Ren can do to an apprentice like you." Kylo snarled at her as he made his way confidently towards her, each step increasing the sense of distress coming from her.

However, her slight panic made her aggressive. He blocked her swift strikes, their blades crackling in a swift bursts, before shoving her across the ground with the Force. The Dark side users gathered cheered him on to finish the fight but Kylo could feel himself hesitating, allowing time for Skurn to get back up and launch another attack at him. He once again deflected her attacks before spinning her around so her back was pressed to him, their weapons crossed as he pressed hers down... hovering just above her leg. Once she couldn't hold his attack back she would lose her leg and once she couldn't walk... her defeat would come quickly. Kylo could feel her weakening and increased the pressure.

"Are you going to let me kill you so easily? I'm disappointed." He insulted her, feeling her anger rise.

"Of course not." Her resistance disappeared completely but his weapon merely grazed the metal armor on her knee and the red blade disappeared along with one of her dark sabers as she spun to face him. "I just needed to get rid of your lightsaber."

Kylo took a step back at the savagery in her tone before using the Force to toss her to the side, impatient for his weapon to activate again. Skurn grunted as she started to get back to her feet, keeping her weight off one arm, but he kicked her back to the ground before she could move again. His ex-apprentice was still as he managed to activate his lightsaber again and brought it down just as she twisted to the side, though the blade still graze her. A hiss of pain escaped Skurn and Kylo prepared to finish her off only to feel pain jolt through him as she shocked him... and herself at the same time judging by her own screams.

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