Princess Dancing Sunshine.

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PLEASE REMEMBER: **This story is rated M for mature there are sexual scenes**

Chapter 3

Riley looked out the bay window, pretending not to care to terribly much about his answer. But, in all honesty she was fixing to yell at him if he didn't answer soon, so she decided to prompt him a little bit. "Why did you break up with me? I thought we were happy."

He smiled, remembering graduation, prom, their first kiss. "We were, I think happy was an understatement." The brunette was relieved to hear that, mostly because she agreed with that statement. "I just thought, stupidly I might add that you couldn't handle long distance. And, I couldn't either." She swallowed the frog in her throat. "I couldn't not see your face everyday. I knew there would be days where we probably couldn't talk. So, like a coward I took the easy way out."

"Yeah." She took a swig of beer. "Never took you for a coward."

"I know you hate me." Riley put up her finger while she chugged a little more.

"That's the thing Lucas, I don't hate you. At all. It would be a hell of a lot easier if I did." He laughed. "Did you ever think to ask me how I felt? If i'd be able to handle long distance? Because from what you're telling me this was a purely seflish act. I never took you for being selfish either."

"I was selfish when it came to you. Always." She knew that was true. "And, yeah I want more than a friendship with you."

"Ugh, I need another beer." Riley left the room right fast, and in a hurry. Trying to run away from the inevitable conversation. She had to stay strong, right? She couldn't give in this easily.

"Riley." Of course he followed her, just like the old days. He'd never let her run away.

"You broke my heart Lucas. What do you want me to say to that?"He saw the hurt bubbling to the surface so she took another drink to layer on top of her feelings. "I have imagined you saying those words for the past five years, and now that you're saying them-" Her phone started to ring, interrupting her rant. On some level it was a relief so she could rein in the tears, on the other she knew she'd forget where she was at in her speech. "One second."

Hey, it's me. Guess what?
I don't wanna. Just tell me.
Grumpy. Zay invited us to his families cabin in Utah. On Snowbird mountain.
Us? As in Lucas too.
Lucas glanced up and grinned. Yep, find a way to get off of work. We leave in 2 weeks. Oh by the way, thanks for not telling me Lucas was coming over.
We'll talk about this later. You interrupted my rant.

Riley hung up the phone. He knew about this, he had to have known about this. "Who was that?" The brunette glared into his soul.

"Seems as if we're being invited to a cabin in Utah."

"Oh really?" He looked so smug, and his grin was filled with playfullness.

"Where was I in my tirade?" She tried to look past the phone call, trying to collect her thoughts and what she was saying. He laughed, which distracted her even more. "Whatever let me just get to the point." Somehow in her train of thought he was right in front of her. His hands felt her waist and her body started to tingle. "Your hands are on my waist."

"Are they?" His right hand moved to her back and he pulled her closer.

"Um my point." His warm lips touched her soft, flushed cheek. The sexual tension was high, he had no idea how he was going to stop himself from kissing her. "We are friends." She whispered. Lucas' fingertips grazed her neck when he pushed her hair out of the way. "Oh God." Riley bit her lip while he pecked her shoulder.

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