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A/N: I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday! Don't hate me :..(! But to make up for it, here's an extra chapter!

Chapter 14

"Do you mind if we join y'all?" Lucas' arm was wrapped around Riley's shoulder and they stood behind Maya and Zay. "We decided that even if it wasn't going to be free, mine as well enjoy a super romantic evening." The green eyed man divulged.

"Not at all. Besides it's a big area, we can share it. There are several paths." Maya giggled and clutched Zay's hand.

Riley glanced at her best friend and knew she needed to talk to her. "Boys why don't you go get the tickets and Maya will stay here with me."

"Well, actually Maya and I already have-"

Maya interrupted her boyfriend. "Just go, honey. Thank you." Lucas kissed his fiancee and sauntered off with Zay, both feeling incredibly confused.

Once the men had gotten a good distance away, the brunette faced her best friend. "Okay, have you talked to Smackle and Farkle? It's Wednesday."

"Yes, i've talked to Smackle she said she would handle it. As in, we are all going to fly on Farkle's private jet so he won't know we're going to Texas." Maya almost couldn't contain her excitement.

"WHAT? Did you not feel the need to tell me this sooner?" Riley was excited but, still shocked to just now be hearing about this.

"It isn't like Lucas ever leaves you alone. He's been attached at your hip." The brunette smiled, it's true. He almost acted as if he left her hip, he'd lose her, which was an incredibly adorable notion. "It's almost as if he's trying to keep us apart. He doesn't know anything does he?"

"No, oh God I hope not. How would he? And if he did know he wouldn't be able to contain himself. So I would know if he knew, you know?" The blonde seemed incredibly confused.

"Okay, well i'm gonna agree like I know what you're saying and you need to settle down to a simmer. Please and thank you." The guys were headed back towards them. "Okay, look at me. I can see you're nervous but you can't let him see that. He knows you like the back of his hand, he'll know. So, do us both a favor. Turn around, smile and try not to think about tomorrow evening. Yes?"

"Okay, yes!" Riley turned on her heels and smiled at her fiancee. "Hey babe, you ready?" Lucas furrowed his brows, she seemed anxious. Maya squeezed her best friends arm and the brunette realized how hyper she was.

"Yeah, come on beautiful."

"Bye Riles!" Her blue eyed friend had a smug smile across her face. "You two have fun. Riley, we'll talk later." The green eyed man looked down at his beautiful fiancee.

"Talk about what?" He clutched her dainty hand and smiled, pretty much trying to persuade her to tell the truth.

"Oh nothing, just girl talk. I think she wants to start planning the wedding." He chuckled.

"What do you think? Quick wedding? Or long engagement?" The vet questioned. Riley bit her cheek and smiled.

"Pretty quick. If I have a long engagement i'll freak out over little details. Like how quickly i'll walk down the aisle." She glanced at their intertwined hands. "Do you still want a small wedding?"

Lucas heavily sighed. "I want what you want."

"That wasn't my question Mr. Friar, I asked what you wanted." The engaged couple stood in front of the snow mobile and he kissed her soft hands.

"The only thing I want out of a wedding is you. I want you for the rest of my life and I don't care how. I wouldn't mind getting married outside though." Luckily that's exactly where they were having it, which would be fine if it wasn't in Texas. You know because their skin might melt off. Lucas' right hand caressed her cheek and guided her into his lips. He pulled away and they touched foreheads while he whispered, "I love you."

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