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Chapter 10

Hey peaches. You all packed?
Maya, you just left my house an hour ago and I was already packed.
Oh, yeah. I must've forgot.
What's the real reason you called?
I just wanted to make sure you aren't mad about the sleeping arrangements?
No, not mad. Just glad that I am running away for awhile.
From what?
Oh, just junk. Charles vs. Lucas vs. Charlie. Actually not really the last guy.
Good, because he freaks me out. Randomly popping up and knowing what's going on at all times. It's weird.
I'm actually getting ready for my date, so I will talk to you later?
Don't stay out too late though. Our flight is at like 10 something. I've printed off our boarding passes, just have your license, I did early check in.
I know mom, and I won't. Love you.

Riley stood in her closet, trying to figure out what to wear. "He said casual." The brunette clicked her tongue off the roof of her mouth and checked the clock. "10 minutes, come on Riles. Pull yourself together." She'd been on a ton of dates with Lucas, so why now was she so nervous? Her stomach was in knots and she couldn't quit fidgeting. The brunette saw her outfit and all of a sudden waves of relief rushed over her body. The dress was sleeveless, flared, and with a scoop neckline and the red baby doll dress stopped about 2 inches above her knee. After stepping into the dress hastily she slid on a white blazer and her white flats and untucked the L from behind her neck. "Okay Riles, this is a first date. You don't sleep with anyone on the first date, keep it PG. Why are you so nervous? It's Lucas, you are constantly hanging out with him, you're comfortable with him. Shake it out." The brunette jumped up and down, shaking out her body, when she heard the knock the nurse froze. Until there was another knock, she snatched her purse and ran to the front door, after calming herself the entryway was filled with Lucas Friar. He smiled, raising his left eyebrow like he always did and his green eyes traced her body.

"Hey beautiful girl." The green eyed man passed her a single carnation. "You look incredible." She smiled and even though she didn't have to look him up and down to know he looked incredible, she did. His signature plaid shirt, rolled up with a white tee underneath, jeans and a belt, with his cowboy boots.

"You're very handsome yourself sir." Even with his tan skin, it was obvious he was blushing.

"So, you ready to go?" Riley closed the door behind her and strolled outside where a cab was already waiting, and a picnic basket was on the floor board. "Ladies first." Her heart would not chill out, so she took a few heavy gasps for air.

"What are we doing?" Lucas gently laid his hand on her knee and grinned. "Excuse me sir, this is a first date. Boundaries."

"I apologize m'am. And, we are having a picnic." Did he remember that a picnic in central park was one of their favorite past times? Or was it purely coincidence? She knew, there was no way he didn't know, Lucas knew all. The brunette touched the L on her chest without even realizing it and needed to change the subject.

"Did you get all packed?"

"Yes m'am. We're picking you up at 7:30, I know you hate waking up early."

"I've gotten used to it. I've had to get used to it, an 8 am class my senior year and the first 6 months at the hospital I worked 6 to 6." He shook his head.

"You're crazy. I don't know how you do it!"

"You're telling me that if you had the opportunity to spend 12 hours a few times a week doing what you love with animals that you wouldn't?"

"Touche. Tell me about work, we haven't had a chance to talk about it yet." They pulled up to the park and after passing the driver some cash the green eyed man grabbed the basket, along with the blanket that was hidden underneath, then promptly helped her out of the car. Lucas couldn't help himself when he clutched her hand, walking to their usual spot.

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