Personal Heaven.

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Chapter 5

"What are you doing here?" Her mouth opened and she tried to slow her heartbeat. He looked so good; his red shirt hugged his biceps, and the belt held up his beige cargo shorts. Lucas' hands were holding a single rose which made her heart flutter faster. Less is more.

"I was waiting on you." His eyes grazed over her body, she looked, well there weren't any words. He held out the rose, "for you." She took the rose out of his fingers and grinned.

"I gathered that much, but why?"

"I didn't want to wait till tomorrow to see you." Riley unlocked her door and he followed her inside. "Where were you tonight looking so gorgeous?"

She cleared her throat. "I told you I had a prior engagement." The brunette took off her heels and leaned in the fridge to grab a beer, it wasn't a huge surprise when she turned around to find him right behind her.

"Riley Matthews, did you have a date?" His hands caressed her cheek.

"And if I did?" He looked so good, or it could've been the multiple glasses of wine she had. Nope, no it was definitely not the wine. He always looked good.

"Then that would make me extremely jealous." Riley rolled her eyes.

"I thought you lost that right." To quote Maya. The brunette was trying to steady her breathing but his fingertips grazing her arm caused goosebumps.

"When you're in love with someone, you never lose the right to be jealous." Did he just say love? Seriously, what was he doing to her? Her eyes closed slowly when he kissed her neck.

"Anyways, uh i'm going to hit the sack. I'll see you tomorrow?" He licked his lips and slowly started to unzip her dress.

"I can go with you." His hands felt her bare back. Lucas was hoping that the more time he spent with her, she'd eventually change her mind about him.

"Nope. No. I accepted a challenge." Riley hated turning him away. She wasn't going to get hurt again though, he made the decision, he gets to live with it. "And since you so graciously unzipped my dress you can see yourself out." He laughed and kissed her cheek. She looked so sexy, and beautiful and so many other descriptive words. Lucas couldn't understand why his 18 year old self gave her up, all he wanted to do now was hold her, kiss her, and love her.

"Okay, i'll play along." His hand was holding hers. "My phone will be on loud."


Riley was laying in bed staring at her ceiling. Hair twirling around her fingers, she wanted to be with him tonight, even if it was just sleeping on his chest. Then go back to being just friends in the morning. Unfortunately she knew, that she couldn't have it both ways. Then her phone rang. She laughed seeing who it was. "Sounds about right."

So story time, i'm laying in bed, looking up at the ceiling. Which is obviously the same thing you were doing, and I felt like something was missing.
Story isn't over. So where was I?
Something was missing.
Right, thank you. So i'm like man, who could be missing? And then I looked at my phone and saw you.
I'm your background?
Duh. Anyways, i'm really missing you. Can I come over?
I don't know.
We don't have to do anything. I can just hold you. He heard a heavy exhale on the other end.
If you aren't here in 30 minutes i'm deadbolting the door.

He didn't waste any time, he didn't say goodbye or anything. Riley unlocked the front door and laid back down in bed, thinking of him, and unwillingly fell asleep.

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