Girl's Night.

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Chapter 6

So then what'd he say?
To put him on the N O list.
That's clever.
That's what I said. We had a great time though, no pressure or nerves. Like old times.
I'm happy for you Riles.
Hey, what are you doing tonight?
Nothing. What'd you have in mind?
Let's go to Limelight.
Okay. That sounds good
I'll call Smackle. See if she wants to go.
Girls night. Alright, alright. I'll be over shortly.

Maya sauntered outside of Zay's bedroom and started gathering up her stuff. Zay grabbed her waist and pulled her onto the couch, and Lucas chuckled in the kitchen. "Where do you think you're going?"

"Riles, Smackle and I are going to Limelight. Is that a problem?" The vet perked up at the sound of her name and started to eavesdrop.

"No. Can I come?"

"Tempting, but no. Girls night, but I can come over afterwards?" He kissed her lips and smiled.

"Fine. I guess i'll turn you loose." The blonde pushed herself off of him and slipped on her heels, noticing Lucas in the kitchen.


"Maya." The friends glared at each other.

"Riles had a good time today, in case you were wondering." He smiled as she left the guys alone. The green eyed man thought about their time today, he placed his hand on her knee several times and she didn't swat it away. They almost kissed on several occasions, but she pulled away, he bought her a knicks teddy bear and knowing her it was probably sitting on her bed.

"I see now what you mean by conniving. That girl-" He pointed to the door, "She's the scheming type. I don't know how I forgot."

"Yeah and her new boy toy won't help the situation. Riley will come back to me on her own time, i'm not going to push our relationship, or her." He finished chopping fruit and brought the bowl into the living room.

"So what are we gonna do tonight? The girls are going to get shmamerred at the club."

Lucas grinned and looked at Zay. "What if we met them up at limelight? Later of course."

"They said girls night." The green eyed man popped a grape into his mouth.

"Okay fine, let's give Farkle a ring, maybe we can go to the Bar B, or B Bar again. They're having a girls night, and we can have a guys night." Zay smiled.

"Good, I was getting a bad feeling. You don't crash a girls night."


Riley was in her bathroom, straightening her hair, and staring at the bear Lucas got her, that was laying on her bed. She heard a knock at the front door, and then immediately heard it open. The brunette knew who it was, "Bathroom peaches."

Maya's heels were heard from down the hall and she realized Smackle must be with her since there were another set of clacking. "Hi honey. Smackle's here too. You almost ready? It's 8."

"Yeah. I'm just touching up my hair then i'll get dressed." Riley glanced over her best friend's outfit. "You look freaking adorable." Her hair was up in a pony with some strands framing her face, the dress was silver and completely covered in sequins. Maya turned around revealing a low cut back. "Super cute."

"I said the same thing. It'll make the boys drool." The brown eyed girl giggled.

"I don't know if she's wanting to do that. I think she found a particular guy who caught her interest. Isn't that right Maya?" Smackle grinned.

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