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Chapter 11

"So, how long do you think they planned us sitting together on the plane?" She giggled.

"Probably since that night they went to dinner. I didn't buy the whole 'we switched seats once we got together bit'. I don't mind sitting by you though." He glanced around to where their friends were seated. "Do you think they can see us?"

"Um, I doubt it. They're straight behind us and several rows back." He tucked his lips in.

"So, I can hold your hand? And kiss you if I wanted to?"

"Don't get crazy. But, I will definitely need a distraction." Lucas caressed her cheek, to get her to stop looking out the window.

"I never understood why you flew if you're terrified of it." Her brown eyes stared into his green ones.

"Love makes you do terrifying things. I flew with you to Texas because I loved you, and your family. I'm flying to Utah because I love my friends." He held a sexy smirk on his face.

"It's okay to be scared. Being scared means you're about to do something really brave." The flight attendants started going through their whole safety speech. The one part of the plane ride she would normally pay attention to, but her mind was somewhere else. 'Scared means you're about to do something really brave', her plan that she came up with last night was more than scary. She had to be brave enough to tell him that she wanted to be with him, when the time was right. "Hey, you okay?" The green eyed man raised his hand and saw her white knuckles.

"Sorry. I was thinking."

"Don't worry, i'm here. If the plane goes down i'll die to make sure you live." He glanced around checking to make sure everything was clear, and kissed her lips, which completely calmed her. The brunette wasn't as scared about the plane ride as she was about him. Every move he made scared her, but he was courageous enough to do them. To kiss her in public, and hold her hand, call her beautiful. Riley had a lot to learn. The plane began to speed up and her grip only tightened on his hands. "So, can I ask you something?"

"Sure." Welcoming the distraction.

"Was it me leaving that changed you?"

"Um," The plane shook slightly and she exhaled sharply. "Um, that began my change yes. Why? What change are you referring to?"

"You're more independent, you don't need me but you like having me around."

"Well, I try not to get attached to people as easily. Which was partly because of you and partly because of my job. At least once a day I hear a doctor say that it isn't looking good for their child and it breaks my heart. I love the kids I help, but I don't get attached to something or someone that isn't mine." The brunette was trying to avoid the fact she learned it from losing him, she got so attached, so acustom to him being there that when he left she felt lost.

"I'm attached to you. Always have been."

"I wouldn't recommend doing that." He stared at her as the plane finally quit rising and came to a steady ride. "Thank you for distracting me."

"No problem." His lips touched her head. "Why shouldn't I get attached to you?"

She ran over what she said in her mind. "I guess because, being attached leads to expectations, which leads to disappointment. Not all the time, but usually. I also don't want you to feel what I felt when you left, or when my first patient passed away." Riley closed her eyes, 'he hated himself every day'. "I never really asked you though."

His eyes moved from his feet. "Ask me what?"

"Well, you know what I went through once you left. I never asked you. What went on with you in those 5 years, besides college?"

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