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Chapter 12

Everyone held up their beverage of choice, all taking turns to make a toast on their friendship. Maya cleared her throat, "Okay I got one. Here's to you, here's to me. The best of friends we'll always be. But, if we should ever disagree, to hell with you. Here's to me." Riley's hand covered her eyes as everyone laughed.

"You got that off a facebook post I tagged you in!" The brunette exclaimed.

"Fine! You go!" The nurse looked down at her plate and tried to come up with a half way decent toast. After several nudges she decided, it might be best to wing it.

"Okay, here's to years of friendship; after years of laughter," She glanced at Maya, "fights and tears, love," her eyes turned to Lucas, "and nay sayers, we're here. Instead of going 5 years without each other, let's go 5 years spending as much time together as possible. Cheers." Lucas' hand was on her knee, no one seemed to notice so she didn't move it. Lucas gave her a comfort that only he could give, it could've been familiarity but she'd accepted the fact that all it really was, is love.

"BOO! That didn't rhyme." The blue eyed girl laughed and clutched her best friends hand. "I agree though, why did we stop hanging out? I love you guys." Everyone looked around the table and couldn't help the smile that was on their faces.

Zay cleared his throat. "When we slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction." Laughter exploded from the table, and they got several looks from other people around the restaurant.

"Zay, we aren't toasting to that." Lucas' smile was adorable, he seemed so happy.

"Fine Luke, you go." He grinned and looked around for the waitress.

"Miss, i'm sorry to bother you. Can we get fireballs all around?" The waitress walked away and all of his friends immediately rejected the offer.

Riley's fingers touched his shoulder. "No, please. I don't hold up well with liquor."

"Come on y'all. One shot, the only toast I know won't work without it. We're on vacation and we aren't driving." Riley and Maya glanced at each other and air fived.

"Me and Riles are in." Lucas smirked and waited for his best friend.

"Okay. Let's do this."

The brunette cleared her throat. "Farkle? Smackle?" The couple glanced at each other.

"What's in a 'fireball'?" She smiled.

"Alcohol." Riley joked. "It isn't a cocktail."

Farkle spoke up. "I'm in. We don't let loose for fear of ruining our relationship. But, we're with our friends, we don't have to worry about other suitors." Maya snorted, no one had time to make fun of her when the shots got placed in front of them.

"Okay here we go. Haven't done a shot in awhile. Start your toast before I change my mind." He chuckled and stared at his love.

"Friends to the end. Friends through it all. Let this love burn, like this fireball. Cheers." The shot glasses tapped the table and touched everyone's lips.

"Ahh! Whoo!"

"I understand its name now." Smackle giggled.

"Yeah, it burns. I didn't want to tell you for obvious reasons." Riley coughed and took a sip of water.

"Are you ready for the ticket?" Zay looked around the table. "If you'd like more shots the Tram Club a few buildings down has a great happy hour menu, along with a DJ. Don't tell my boss I told you that." Riley smiled.

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