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Chapter 9

Riley tried to pull her eyes open, she was still so extremely tired, it was almost like her eyelids were sticking together. She rolled over and felt a warm body, and muscular abs, the brunette almost forgot that he was there. What does this mean now? Was he going to leave her alone like he asked her last night? Were they still on this unexplainable roller coaster of emotions? Were they friends with benefits? At this point she was pretty certain, she just wanted an answer, no matter what it was instead of constantly questioning what was happening. "Lucas?" The brown eyed girl sat up slightly and caressed his cheek, the only way he would wake up, well the only way he used to wake up. "Hey, don't you have to be at work?" He did his usual routine of stretching, and breathing deeply before she got to see those emerald eyes. "Hey wake up."

"Hey beautiful." His gorgeous green eyes finally graced the light of day and she smiled at the sight of them.

"Hey, don't you need to get to work?" Lucas rapidly pulled her down onto his chest and squeezed her tight.

"Nope, I took the day off to pack. You have the day off too, don't you." The brunette didn't answer. "You're still mad at me, aren't you?" Somehow a playful smile approached her lips.

"I'm not mad at you, I never was. I'm just confused as to what all of this," She gestured to each other, "is. Do you know?" The veterinarian knew all, he always did, somehow. The brown eyed girl was hoping, wishing and praying that he would just tell her what to do. For the first time in her life, that's what she wanted, to be told what to do and what was happening.

"Well, to put it simply; we are exes, we're friends, we're in love with each other, but we can't be together, yet, emphasis on the word yet, who love sleeping together. Let's not overthink it."

"Not overthink it? Put it simply? None of that was simple and I am definitely over thinking it." He chuckled and she slowly rose to look at him. "Do you think this is just too complicated, would you just rather start off on a clean board with someone new."

"No, worse comes to worse, i'll erase the bad memories off of our board." Lucas was lightly scratching her arm and smiling at her, he was so calm, which helped considering if he wasn't, then she'd be in a deathcon 3 situation.

"How would you do that?"

"Replace them with amazing ones."

"Memories will come and go, and fade with time." He cocked his head to the side. "That's what my therapist said." His smile slowly disappeared, and glanced at her hand to take it in his. "Lucas, I don't think you realize, i'm not the same person I once was. I know it sounds pathetic me going to see a therapist, and being labeled depressed and I don't know, it very well could be but, the fact of the matter is, I was depressed, and I did see a therapist. The old Riley would never have had to do that, that's who you're in love with, is the old Riley, i'm a figment of what she once was."

"No, you aren't, and no i'm not. You're still the same Riley, with a lot more life experience. The old Riley would turn on Taylor Swift and dance around the kitchen, with the spatula as her microphone, and stay up with me for hours just to talk. The new Riley, would wear that outfit you wore the first time I saw you, and have a friend with benefits, not to mention win a sexy dance competition. I love the old Riley, a lot, I always will. That girl was my first love and luckily I still have some of her, but I also get this new; strong, confident, sexy woman. I am in love with you, all of you, new and old Riley and these past few weeks have been the best time of my life, well of the last 5 years at least." She didn't say anything. "I am just as confused as you are, you probably more so because you're so in your head but, whatever this is, I don't want it to end." The brunette leaned over and kissed his cheek then rolled out of bed.

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