Let's Kick Love's Ass

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Chapter 13

Riley and Lucas hadn't moved away from each other in almost an hour, since they got engaged. "I still can't believe you said yes." His chuckle raised her head off his chest.

"Join the club." She joked.

"So, does this mean we can tell people about us?"

The brunette sat up and glanced at him. "I should go tell Maya, I have some explaining to do." She raised the comforter to roll out of bed when his strong hands stopped her.

"Not right now. Not tonight, just lay with me and love me." She sighed and laid back down on his chest. "Tomorrow, tomorrow we'll deal with the rest of them." The nurse giggled.

"Let's agree not to tell anyone though, not until I tell Maya. "

"Alright, Mrs. Friar."

"Oh God!" She laughed and stared at her gorgeous ring.

"The center stone alone is 1.25 carats."

"Maya's right the sparkles get us every time." He laughed remembering when Farkle and Maya were going to get married.


Peaches, meet me in the sun room.
Ugh, what time is it?
Please for me just do it. I have to talk to you.

Riley was waiting in the sun room, hastily switching the ring to her right hand and rotating the diamond towards her palm to avoid suspicion. "Ugh, peaches this better be good."

"I'm hoping you'll enjoy it. It's a pretty big announcement."

"You and Lucas are back together, hooray! I could've been told that when the sun wasn't still sleeping." She chuckled and put the ring back in its rightful spot, realizing it was a waste of time to move it.

"More than that." Her dainty fingers rose, revealing her engagment ring.

"OH MY GOD! RILES!" The blonde squeezed her tight. "CONGRATULATIONS!"

"Shhh!" The brunette exclaimed. "Maya, there's more and Lucas doesn't know." It dawned on Riley that even though after Thursday she was going to be gaining a lot, she'd also be losing a lot too. Maya sensed the seriousness in her tone and sat back down.

"What's wrong?"

"When we leave on Thursday, Lucas and I aren't going home."

"You're going to Texas?" She questioned.

"Yeah. Even if Lucas didn't propose last night, I planned an impromptu wedding." Her best friend seemed confused so she continued talking. "After everything he and I have gone through, I know now with absolute certainty that he was going to be the one I was gonna marry. So, I planned on proposing to him."

"But, why are you going to Texas?"

"When Pappy Joe passed away, he left Lucas the ranch. When Lucas decided to move back to New York he had his cousin Lile watch over it, but he hates himself for it. I applied for a job in L&D at a hospital in Texas."

"So, you aren't coming back?" Riley chin began to tremble and her eyes filled with tears. "You're leaving?" The brunette couldn't seem to get the words out of her mouth. "You're leaving me?" The blonde dropped her head and sobbed, they both did. Letting their tears drop to the floor.

"Please don't be mad at me peaches. You're still going to be my sister, my best friend-" The brunette mumbled.

"No!" She exclaimed, "Riles, i'm not mad at you." Her pale arms wrapped around her sister. "All i've ever wanted was for you to be happy, and he always made you happy. It would be selfish of me to be mad at you for leaving." The best friends cried in silence for several minutes.

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