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Chapter 4

"Thank you for cooking dinner. It was delicious." She took his plate off of the coffee table and started washing them off. Riley was standing in front of the sink when she felt a warm breath on the back of her neck, and a pair of strong forearms landed on the counter trapping her in.

"Anytime. Do you still make those amazing cookies?" Lucas knew he'd have to leave any minute now and he had no desire.

"On the rare occasion I want them." She finished wiping the dishes clean and ducked underneath his arms. Riley had to pull herself out of this situation, before something else happened. Though, she secretly wanted it.

"What about if I want them?" She had her back to Lucas who was leaning up against the kitchen sink. "If I want them would you make them?"

"I'll make you a deal." She turned around on her heels. "If you put on a shirt, i'll make the cookies."

"Hm, maybe i'll come over tomorrow and cash in on that deal."

"Who invited you over tomorrow?" He slowly sauntered towards her, dragging his feet which made him even sexier.

"I was hoping you would."

"No can do. Working a 12 hour shift tomorrow." She patted his chest.

"12 hours?" Riley started searching for her phone.

"Yeah, I work 3, 12 hour shifts a week. If i'm lucky, knock everything out all at once." The brunette threw her hands up.

"What are you looking for?"

"My phone. I haven't seen it since I talked to Maya about that trip."

"Here, let me call it." Lucas clicked on the number 1 and it dialed her number.

"What the heck? How did it end up in the couch?" His green eyes started to smile, but quickly hid it when she turned around.

"Yeah, I don't know that's weird." Riley clicked on a message from an unknown number. Oh crap, Charles? Was this good, or was it a disaster in the making? She quickly slid it into her back pocket. "Anyone interesting?"

She cleared her throat. To lie or not to lie? That's the question. "Um, no not really. Just Maya, will you please put on a shirt?" He smiled, clearly she didn't want him to know about this Charles character.

"Fine." He somehow looked just as sexy putting on a shirt, as he did taking it off.

"And, i'm kicking you out." Riley opened the front door and leaned her head against it. "I have to be at work early in the morning."

"I don't mind staying the night." He winked and grabbed his wallet.

"I mind." When Lucas saw her smile he didn't really care much about the response. "Thank you for everything tonight." His arms wrapped around her waist and Lucas pulled her in for a hug.

"I'm always a phone call away. Doesn't matter what time or what you need, i'll be here." Riley's heart sped up and her breathing became unsteady. She knew that he was being completely honest, he was always like that. Whenever they dated and she needed, well anything he was there. Sometimes she didn't even have to ask, he would surprise her with pizza, or have flowers delivered when she was having a hard day. His lips touched her cheek and she pushed him out the door before he felt the heat of her flushed body. After deadbolting herself inside, her forehead landed against her palm.

"What do I do?" She slid her phone out of her back pocket and called Maya.

I'm gonna assume huckleberry is gone?
You assumed correctly. And, Charles from last night texted me.
Ooo, Riles you bad girl you.
What do I do?
You and Lucas aren't together. I say go out with Charles, it'll make Lucas jealous.
I've never been that way. I don't like making him jealous.
You were the one who said you weren't getting back together with him.
I did, didn't I?
A date won't hurt. There isn't any harm in it. Like I told Zay, Lucas lost his opportunity to be jealous. You're an amazing girl Riles, if you truly don't want to be with Lucas then let another man see how awesome you are. And, maybe he'll appreciate it more than Luke did. And, if you don't like Charles than at least Lucas will realize what he lost. Riley debated on telling her what had transpired between them, but knowing Maya, she'd blow it way out of proportion. What did happen with you guys?
Oh nothing much, just had dinner. I thought it'd be awkward but it wasn't too bad.
Alright, well consider what I said. I'll text you the details on the trip.
What's going on with you and Zay?
I just left his house, we just hung out for a little bit.
Hung out?
I'll give you the details later. Love you.
Yeah, yeah.

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