Hell Yeah.

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Chapter 15

Riley glanced down at the test and hurriedly put it in her purse. She took a deep breath and exited the bathroom to find everyone with a glass of champagne. "Here ya' go beautiful. I thought you may want one." The brunette looked at the flute of bubbly 'apple juice' and took it without question.

"Thanks babe. I actually have an announcement to make everyone." She set her purse down and sauntered towards her friends. "Um, you all know actually." The brown eyed girl glanced at her fiancee. "You, however do not know. We aren't going to New York." His gorgeous green eyes turned to a glare and he forced a smile. "We're going to Texas."

His eyes widened. "Oh my God, are you serious?" The brunette shook her head and his arms were wrapped around her waist. "Wait, why are we going to Texas?" Riley bit her cheek and turned her lips upward.

"I wanted to see your family." His arms wrapped around her again and immediately turned to his friends. "Oh yeah, Zay wanted to see his family and Farkle wanted to see the ranch since it had been so long. We're all off till Monday anyways." Her fiancee hugged his friends down a line, the brunette set down her glass and took a seat in the leather chair. Riley had a smile on her face staring out the window when Lucas kneeled in front of her.

"You're amazing, thank you. I've been wanting to check on the ranch." His lips pressed against hers.

"Lucas, would you like to play chess?" He smiled at his fiancee and turned on his heels to play a game with Farkle. Maya promptly sat in the chair beside her.

"Hey peaches, how'd it go in there?" Her brown eyes moved to look at her best friend. "You really aren't going to tell me?" The blonde glanced at the full champagne glass sitting in front of her. "I guess, I can take this off your hands." Riley's jaw dropped.

"How did you-"

"If you don't have something to hide then you'd have something to say." The brunette couldn't contain her smile. "Congratulations peaches, I love you." The blue eyed girl hugged her best friend.

"I'm going to miss you." Maya grinned but didn't say anything back.

"When are you going to tell him?"

"Which part?" Riley joked and turned her body to face towards her.


"Um, well I was thinking just showing up at his ranch with a crowd full of people would be the best time to tell him. The second part after, I don't know." Her eyes glanced at Lucas. "Maya, do you think he'll be okay with all of this?"

Her blue eyes promptly rolled. "You're kidding right? Huckleberry okay with marrying the love of his life and then the other part. Of course he will." She noticed how nervous Riley was. "I think you're just nervous, this is a lot happening all at once. You're happy right?"

Riley locked eyes with her best friend, and noticed her holding back tears. "I'm so happy, i'm terrified." The blonde clutched her hand. "Life can't be this perfect. Can it? I'm getting everything I ever wanted. I already got a call for an interview and i'm just so overwhelmed with I don't even know a good word to explain how i'm feeling. Life only lets you be this happy if it's preparing to take something away. I can't lose either thing i've been blessed with."

"Peaches, you're looking at this the wrong way. Your life fell apart 5 years ago, maybe now everything is falling back into place, the way it is supposed to be." The brown eyed girl blinked, letting a tear fall down and it was as if Lucas heard it. The vet stood up and sauntered towards her.

"Maya can you give us a minute?" The blonde lifted herself off the chair, leaving her in capable hands. "Baby, what's wrong?" Riley shook her head from left to right and kissed his soft lips.

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