Eat Jin

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You sat in front of him, holding his phone in hand. The both of you were at a buffet and you were currently helping him to film Eat Jin on V. You looked through the screen on his phone and giggled silently at his cute expression as he gobbled down the food.

"The one is so good! It's all cheesy and like, it's full of toppings in every bite! I recommend this if you come here!"

Jin was busy explaining the food to his fans and recommend almost everything he eats to them. You read the comments as he was still talking, most of them saying how handsome he is and asking if they were well and all.

"And this steak! It's so juicy and just, delicious!"

He continued on.

"Yah, Jin! If you continued recommending the food you eat to the fans they'll end up trying everything and get fat because of you!"

"Oops. Sorry. Too much food I guess."

Then, a wave of comments crashed onto the comment box after hearing your voice in the live video. The comments were all asking about you and Jin now instead of just him. You just stared at the phone as the comments kept popping up and almost hitting a million.

A hand then suddenly took he phone from your hand. He took his phone and turned the camera to the one in the front, showing the both of you on the screen.

"Hm, how are (y/n) and I? We're all good. Right jagi?"

He kissed you on the cheek as you blushed bright red.


"Don't be shy, (y/n). The fans like us being together don't they?"

Comments flooded in again, all agreeing to Jin's statement. You were quite happy knowing his fans support your relationship with him.

"I think I want to go back and eat. So, bye!"

He waved at the camera and you did the same. He ended the call and slid his phone back to his pocket.

"Don't suddenly bring me into the camera next time. I wasn't ready..."

He chuckled as you said that.

"Okay, okay. So, should we get more food?"

BTS - Jin / Kim Seokjin x Reader Oneshot / Drabbles CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now