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I promise you that nobody can ever break your heart.

The first serious promise he made with me yet he was the one who broke it himself. We both knew each other had mutual feelings. I was happy and I thought we could have a more intimate relationship but he began keeping his distance from me and obviously, it broke me.

I had to endure the pain from afar as I watched him, smiling and talking happily with his other friends, especially girls. I knew lots of girls who had crushes on him and they were talking to him right at this moment.

It was painful as well that whenever we pass by each other, even just a few inches apart, he would look to the other direction, straight ahead or talk to his friend, not even noticing I was there.

I walk back home myself instead of him accompanying me like before. The first time he did not walk home with me was by the excuse of having a project for his science class. After a few more times with more ridiculous excuses, I followed him after school to see him visiting the arcade with a girl. He used to bring me there when we finished early or when our parents were not home and called it our secret spot.

Every day, when I passed by the park, the memories of us flashed through my mind clearly. There was that ice cream truck where Jin used to buy me ice cream and we would sit down beneath our usual spot under the big tree as the shadow of it protects us from the sun. He would roll around on the grass, tell jokes then get his treat smeared on his face, the same process over and over again when we got to the park.

Now here I am, lying in bed, dried tears and puffy eyes, hearing sounds from his room just beside mine as he was my neighbour. I could guess that it was the same girl from the arcade?

Tell me, should I keep waiting for him with this painful love or end my life at this point? If I keep on living and able to forget him, a tiny part of me will still keep the memory of this pain and still be attached to him. If I end my life at this point, it would be a waste as there might be something waiting for me to happen.

What should I do?


A/N : Inspired from EXO's Promise 2014, the lines 'I wanted to say sorry but I love you' and 'I won't let anybody break your heart'. I hope it doesn't feel incomplete as I wrote this at 3 in the morning. I couldn't help it since I had five days of school holiday lol

BTS - Jin / Kim Seokjin x Reader Oneshot / Drabbles CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now