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"Ah, I'm beat."

He said as he pushed the door open to his shared apartment which he shared with his girlfriend. Today was his day off. He threw his bag beside the couch and slammed his body on the couch. He groaned in tiredness as he switch on the television with the remote. 

While he was switching channels to find something interesting, his eyelids began closing unconsciously. Eventually, he fell asleep.


"Ah, home sweet home."

You inserted the key into the hole and pushed the door open. You carried the plastic bags filled with groceries you bought from the supermarket for tonight's dinner into the kitchen and closed the door. You heard some noise from the living room and went there. You saw the television on and was a bit surprised. You thought maybe somebody had broke into your house but you remembered this morning that Jin had watched television and maybe he had forgot to switch it off. You shrugged and switched it off since nobody was watching it. You walked passed the couch, not knowing that someone was on it.

You went up to your room and took a shower and changed out of your uniform. You went back to the kitchen and put on your apron. You lifted the bags up to the couch from the floor and began sorting them as you are starting to cook dinner.


You put the last plate of food on the dining table and walked back to the kitchen. You untie the ribbon of the apron at your waist and took it off. You hung it on the back of the door on your way out.

You looked at the clock and saw that the time was only 6 in the evening and sighed. Jin would not be back in another hour as his work ends at 7. You walked to the couch and took a hold of the remote. You switched to the cooking channel. You love watching cooking shows. They have recipes that you have not seen nor read before and have not cooked before. You like to surprise Jin with a different kind of food every time he comes back from work.

You sat down on the couch and felt something nudging you. You stood up and was surprised to see a sleeping Jin on the couch. You didn't know that he didn't have work today and he has not change out of his uniform yet. He could have at least done that. You told him many times about this. You were slightly angry at him because of this.

Just then, you had an idea on how to teach him a lesson. You went up to your room and got a marker. You knelt in front of his peaceful sleeping face and popped the cap of the marker open. You began your drawing with a small swirl on his cheek. You continued to draw more swirls all over his face. You also drew flowers and such on his face, even writing some words like 'I will never do it again' on his forehead.

You were almost done with your 'masterpiece' when he stirred slightly. You immediately hid the marker behind you and stood up. Jin sat up, rubbing his eyes groggily. A smile was plastered on his face as soon as he saw you.

"Baby! You're home!"

He pulled you down by the hand and hugged you. You looked straight into his face and stifled your laughter. Unfortunately, you let a soft, muffled giggle out from your mouth and he had caught that. He stared at you in confusion.

"Why are you laughing, baby?"


Unfortunately, the dam containing your laughter had broke down. You had started your laughing spree in his arms as he was still looking at you with confusion.

"Is there something on my face?"

He asked innocently as you were still exploding with laughter. Jin let go of you and walked to the mirror that was hung on the wall of the hallway. He let out a shriek of surprise as soon as he saw his reflection. He knew that you must have done that and went to get another marker. He walked back down to the living room and headed straight for you. He walked towards you who was lying on the couch, clutching your stomach as you roared with laughter and had your eyes shut tightly.

He popped the cap open and began drawing on your face. You shivered slightly at the sudden contact of the wet tip of the marker. You realised he was drawing on your face. You also opened the cap and began drawing on his face.

By dinner time, you were both covered with scribbles, words and drawings. And there was one question in both of your minds.

Were those markers permanent ones?


A/N : So, is this nice? It was originally EXO's Chen's oneshot but I don't planning on publishing it so I use it for Jin~ Do tell me if its nice or not.

BTS - Jin / Kim Seokjin x Reader Oneshot / Drabbles CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now