Everything You Never Knew : Secrets

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America's Newest Sweetheart, pop-star Ashley Noelle tragically loses her life in what appears to be a car accident. The saga begins with Ashley's best friend Rachel dealing with the grief of her death, reminissing over the secrets they'd kept in the past and learning about new secrets Ashley kept from her for years. 
Details from the crime scene and of Ashley's coroner's report don't add up. Can everyone in Ashley's life; her friends, her family, her co-workers, her fans - find out the truth about what really happened that night? Who really cared about Ashley, and who hated her enough to want her dead? Its a good idea to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but in order to do that you have to know who your enemies are...

The unexpected death of pop-star Ashley Noelle came as a shock to her family, friends, and fans. Ashley's best friend Rachel Casper rushes home from college after Ashley's death to find out that Ashley left her a journal full of secrets and confessions. Rachel begins to sink into Ashley's world of extreme highs and lows, boys that broke her heart, fans that crossed the line, and secrets she'd shamed herself into keeping. Ashley's journal to Rachel unintentionally gives away clues about her death but Rachel doesn't know this yet. She has no idea that the journal she's readindg opens up a lot more than Ashley's fears and insecurities. It names the people responsible for the end of her life.
There are two kinds of secrets; the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare let out.

Why did things that should be simple always have to turn into something else in my unwavering imagination? A dark windy road should encourage me to pay attention to my driving. Instead, I'm thinking about a snake, and how its sinister, dark slithering nature feels like it mirrors my life. I can't stop glancing at my cell, fearful that it will ring once more even though I turned it off and I know its impossible. I can't deal with my people following me right now. I need some time to myself. I need to figure out how to change my life. I need to stop falling down this rabbit hole or I'll end up losing myself completely. I'm in too deep.
I have fans who depend on me. I hate thinking about that, I feel like it sounds concieted. I'm no one special, I just had some really lucky breaks. I have a talent for music, but so do countless others that will never have the opportunities I've been gifted with. Even though my name is on billboards, tabloids and advertising campaigns, I still feel as invisible as I always did. These people only see a projection of me, they see what my label and management want them to see. They don't know the real me. They don't know how weak I am.
Crap, my bodyguards found me. Who's in that car behind me? Gale and Ron? I can't see, its too dark and they have their brights on. How did they find me? I lied to Gale about where I was tonight. DAMN, THE GPS ON MY PHONE! They must've tracked me. They're going to demand to know what I was doing. They're supposed to be working for me, but it never feels that way. I feel like a prisoner. They own me and they know it. I'm not a person, I'm a Brand and a Trademark. 
Why are they right up on my ass? Stop driving so close! Its dark and when I have to slow down, you might hit me! STOP IT! I can't go any faster! These turns are too sharp.
OH MY GOD, why are you right up against my bumper?!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STOP IT, I CAN'T GO FASTER. I'M GONNA CRASH!!! 

The plot is of course fictional, but I first got the inspiration for this series by joining a "fandom" and running across some really unstable/diluded fans who decided to spend three years first cyber-bullying me, then taking it much further. Having experienced bullying in middle school but never before in my adult life, I was a bit thrown and shocked at the behavior and the only way I could really cope with it is to take some indirect advice from one of my favorite people who copes with her struggles by writing songs, and turn the people I'd come across into antagonists in my novels. One of the biggest creative writing cliches is "write what you know" and writing helps me make sense out of a world that is often senseless. Although my plots are creative fiction, my characters are all based off of people I've come across in real life; the good, the bad, and the mysterious.

This series is dedicated to Taylor Swift, who takes her struggles and turns them into her art. She inspired me to change my style of writing and to use it not only as an escape, but also as a coping method. 
"Some day I'll be livin in a big ole city, and all you're ever gonna be is Mean."


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