Chapter 11

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Did Rachel’s Mother really just tell her she had a visitor? Who would come to see her at a time like this? For a moment she jolted with the horrible thought that it could be reporters but there was no way her Mother would've let them into the house. She wiped at her face again even though she knew it was no good; the redness and circles under her eyes were definitely there to stay because the crying wasn’t over by a long-shot. She could’ve yelled back to her Mom and asked her who it was but instead she trudged back toward the kitchen and then stopped in her tracks.

“David,” Rachel exclaimed with surprise. During her last two years of High School Rachel hung out with David a lot. He was her ‘BGF’ or her Best Gay Friend. He was basically her unofficial stylist and fashion coordinator too. They both had struggles coming out of the closet and it was nice to have someone to talk to who could relate to what she was going through. She hadn’t meant to fall out of touch with him but she went off to college at NYU and David stayed in town to attend community college at first with the intention of transferring somewhere once he actually decided what he wanted to major in. Rachel had no idea what was going on in his life now.

“Hey,” David replied back to her with hesitation in his tone. Rachel bit her lower lip and took another step toward him. She had no idea what to say. “I’m really, really sorry about Ashley.” Rachel never told David up front that she was in love with Ashley and she’d certainly never told him about That Day On The Porch but she always suspected David knew how she felt. She squeezed her eyes shut again. Would the stabbing pain ever end? She heard David stepping closer to her and suddenly felt arms around her. With a sigh Rachel gave in and hugged him back, burying her face in his shoulder. David stroked her hair for a moment and Rachel simply stayed like that as if frozen. She let his silent hug comfort her. David pulled away from Rachel when she loosened her arms.

“Thanks,” Rachel replied softly. “I needed that.” She sank into a kitchen chair again and David did the same. He drummed his nails on the table top a few times.

“Is there anything I can do?” David finally asked. Rachel shook her head.

“No. I mean, I don’t even know if there’s anything I can do. I feel like I’m just sitting here waiting for her parents to call and let me know when the funeral is.” More awkward silence.

“We could play Checkers or something while you wait?” For potentially the first time since Denise called with the horrible news Rachel cracked a small smile. Leave it to David to say something completely inappropriate but with good intentions behind it.

“I don’t think I’m in the right mind to be competitive right now, even with Checkers,” She rubbed her face again. “I keep trying to make sense of it all. I keep trying to understand. How can she be gone? She’s my best friend.” Rachel paused. “She was my best friend.” David set his palms down on the table.

“Do they know what caused the …..accident?”

“I don't know. I hardly know anything.” Rachel trembled again.

“It was an accident, right?”

Rachel's eyes widened and a jolt bolted through her heart. What was he saying? What else could it have been? She wouldn't have gone off the road on purpose, she was prone to depression but she wasn't suicidal – right? And no one would have


murdered her, right?

“I just miss her so much. It hurts, and its not FAIR.” Rachel squeezed her eyes shut again.

“I know,” David replied softly. “She still should've had a lot of time left.”

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