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"Get up, Greenie." I heard someone whisper as he shook me awake.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Nick knelt down in front of me. I didn't even get a word out before he brought his finger to his lips. He then pointed to Newt's sleeping figure on the other side of the room and gestured me to follow him. I got up and followed him out of the Homestead.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"6:30." He said nonchalantly.

I groaned, "Why are we up so early?"

He didn't say anything. We continued walking till be reached the far side of one of the walls. I was looking at the wall then back at Nick.

"Wow. A wall. I've never seen one before. My life's complete." I said sarcastically.

He chuckled, "Look at it shuck-face."

I gave him a confused look before looking at the wall. It wasn't like the rest. There's names carved into the wall; Minho, Gally, Newt, Nick, Alby, Frypan. Then there were some that were crossed out; George, Jake, Ross.
I looked back at Nick when he handed me some carving tools.

"Another tradition we got here. Whenever the Greenie remembers his name - or in your case her name - we carve them into the wall." He explained.

"So Frypan's real name is Frypan?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

He snorted, "No. His real name's Siggy. But, he changed it to Frypan. It fits him better."

I nodded before I looked for a place to carve my name. There were so many choices. I kept looking before I found a good spot. Right next to Alby's, near Minho and Newt's. I began carving my name D-A-N-I-E-L-L-E. I smiled at my work before I handed the tools back to Nick.

We began walking back and he told me today was the day I start working. He told me I would be starting with the Slicers because that was the most disturbing out of the others. He told me to find Winston, Keeper of the Slicers, over at the Blood House. Let's get this over with. I mean, how bad can it be?


I can never eat pork ever again. Now, I know why Slicers went first. Winston didn't talk much. What almost bothered me was that it looked like he enjoyed slicing through each animal.

It was lunch time and Frypan handed me a plate with a sandwich and some fruit. I went to an empty table and began eating the fruit. Moments later Newt sat next to me.

"Where'd you go this morning?" He asked.

"Nick woke me up to go carve my name on the wall. Then, he send me to work with the Slicers." I shivered at that.

"That bad."

"I might as well become a vegetarian with what I've seen today."

He gave me a simpathetic smile, "At least it's just for today. You still have the other jobs."

I nodded, "Are any of them just as bad as this one?"

"No, not really."


It's almost two weeks. I hated the Sloppers and the Slicers. Med-jacks and Baggers don't have that much going on. Cooks was a bit fun, I'll admit. Frypan was funny, yet stricked when it comes to other Gladers in the kitchen. All I had left was the Builders, Track-Hoes, and Runners.

"Alright, Greenie, follow me." Gally said.

"You know it's Danielle."

He ignored me. I followed him until we came across something that looked like a roof. He handed me some tools and told me to build a fence before getting to work.

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