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"What?" Thomas asked us as we finally sat down. Well, Minho did. I lay flat on my back. Thomas walked over to us and saw the state Alby's in. "What happened to him?"

"He got stung." I panted.

"What happened to his head?"

"I do what I have to do." Minho said.

We heard the Griever's roar. As much as I want to lay here, I need to get up. I need to survive. Thomas grabbed Alby and wrapped one of his arms around him. Minho was telling us that the Maze is starting to change while I wrapped Alby's other arm around me. We couldn't just leave him here.

So, we walked around the Maze, just near the entrance so we could find a good spot to hide Alby. We can't carry him all night, we'll be dead quicker. Thomas had the bright idea to tie him up and hang him within the vines. If the Griever's can't see him, he won't be killed.

"This isn't a good idea." Minho stated as we placed Alby down.

"Do you have any other bright ideas?" I asked.

"Yeah, we go. Go before those shucks get us."

"We're not leaving him behind." Thomas said.

Minho has enough and slammed him against the wall, "Look around, shuckface. There's nowhere else to go, we're already dead."

Thomas got up and walked to one of the walls, "Here, let's hide him here."

I looked up at the wall of vines, "How are we gonna get him up there?" Thomas looked around the floor before grabbing the very long vine. "I guess."


We were pulling Alby up the wall. Even with the three of us pulling he's heavy to pick up. He needs to lay off Frypan's bacon or something. Thomas and I were so focused on getting Alby up we didn't hear the Griever's clank.

"We gotta go." Minho whispered. "We gotta go."

"You are not bailing out on us, Min." I snapped.

"Sorry guys."

"What for?" Thomas asked.

"Minho, don't you dare -" Minho lets go of the vine and started running. Thomas and I started slid towards the wall. "What now?"

He looked everywhere before looking at the vine, "We go up."


"That thing might not see us. We climb up and - if we're lucky - tie Alby."

"That's got to be one of the stupidest plan that has ever came out of your shuck mouth."

"I know."

I nodded, "Ladies first." He gave me a confused look before I started climbing. "If we die, I am so haunting you in the afterlife."

"And I'll let you."

We climbed up the best we could. The more we climbed the higher Alby got. Thomas told me to stop and I looked down in confusion. He pointed towards one of the vines that had a thicker hold. I nodded, before he told me to stay where I was. My eyes widen when he swung from the vine to grab the next. I planted my feet along the wall, trying not to fall off. Thomas started tying the vine and pulled it a few times to make sure it's secure.

"Ok, Dan, on the count of three, I need you to jump from there to the next vine." Thomas whispered.

"Are you crazy?" I harshly replied back. "I'll fall."

"You won't, trust me."

Do I trust him? Of course I do. He saved my life countless of times before he arrived. I took a deep breath before letting go and catching the next one. My hands started to burn as I slid down one of them. I let out a sigh of relief, but it was cut short when were heard the wheels of the Grievers. It was scaling along side the other wall.

"Go, go, go!" I yelled.

Thomas swung again and dropped a few feet away before grabbing the next vine. I followed his league as the thing started chasing us. The more we jumped, the shorter the vines came. My hands started to burn from the vines as we slid down each time. Our luck turned out for the worst when we were a few feet away from the ground, but there were no more vines.

I looked back to see the Griever getting closer. "Jump!" Thomas yelled.

I did so as the Griever jumped from its spot and landed where I was. Ignoring the stinging sensation on my leg, I started to run. Left. Right. Right.

I grabbed Thomas' arm when he was about to run to a dead end. I kept us running straight as the Griever started gaining. I made a left and was about to turn when the Griever blocked our way. I turned to the right and another stood there. I panted as I grabbed Thomas' arm and we started climbing the short wall. When we got up we started running and jumped over the little ledge.

We came to a stop when there was another wall of ivy trickling down from another path. Thomas and I turned around to see the Griever blocking our only exit. Great, another jump.

We jumped of the edge and grabbed the vines. Our hands were sweaty from the running, so we slid down the wall a bit. The Griever jumped after us and held on to the wall. Its stinger came out and we moved out of the way before it could get us. The weight of the Griever was too much for the vines to handle. It broke the wall, causing Thomas and I to fall back.

My back started to tingle, but ignored it and got up. I turned back to see the Griever caught in the web. I grabbed Thomas by the collar of his shirt and was about to turn right when I felt someone collide with us.

"Hey." Minho said. "You crazy son of a -"

"Not now!" I yelled as I pushed both boys to the right.

We ran down the long corridor as Minho began looking at each passage. We were about to head straight again when he stopped us, "Hold on. This door's about to close. We could lure it down here."

Minho and I started running ahead. We were about to turn, but saw Thomas at the entrance. "Thomas, get your ass over here!" I yelled.

"What are you waiting for?!"

Thomas kept looking towards us before he looked the other way. Then he started running over here with the Griever after him. "Come on!" He shouted.

"Come on, Thomas, don't look back! Run!"

Thomas looked back at the thing. "Don't look back you dumb shank!" I yelled. My chest began burning with anticipation and worry. Minho and I kept yelling.

"Come on, Thomas, you can do it!"

"Hurry up!"

"You can do it!"

"You got this!"



We made it. We survived a night in the Maze. I can't believe it.

"Yeah!" I hear Chuck as Thomas, Minho and I carried Alby out to the Glade. "Yeah!"

"Guys, a little help over here." I panted.

Jeff and Frypan unwrapped Alby from our arms. My mouth tasted like copper, my body hurts, but I pushed that all away when I engulfed Chuck in a hug. "You guys made it." Chuck said happily.

I nodded, "Yeah, Chucky. We made it."

I let go of Chuck and looked around the Gladers. Newt ran over. "Danny." He mumbled.

"Newt." I wrapped my arms around his neck while he wrapped one around my waist and a hand on my head. He held me tight as he kissed the side of my head.

"You guys saw a Griever?" Chuck asked

Thomas answered, "Yeah. Yeah, I saw one."

Minho shook his head, "He didn't just see it. He killed it."


A/N: We are 2/3rds done. Short crappy chapter. Anyway for the way they get out, do you guys want it by the book or movie?

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