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Newt had his arm wrapped around me when we went back to the Glade. All good things must come to an end, unfortunately. I started chuckling at the joke he told me when Gally walked up.

"If you two are done playing house, we got a serious problem." He said.

"What?" Newt asked.

Gally crossed his arms, "How about the walls haven't closed?"

"What?" I furrowed my eyebrows. "The walls should be closed my now."

"Exactly. The Greenies must be behind this. We've been here for two years in peace. She-bean shows up, Thomas kills a Griever, and the walls won't close. That can't be a coincidence."

"Gal, Thomas killed that Griever because he used his head. And Ter - She-bean hasn't even woken up. How could they both cause something like this?"

"Because there's something not right with those shanks." He glared at me. "Maybe you're behind this, too. She did say your name before she passed out."

I glared back, "Are you klunk in the head? You know me for months now. If I wanted to do something, wouldn't I have done it by now?"

Newt got in the middle before I could punch Gally, "That's enough. We don't know what's going on. Maybe the Creators -"

He was cut off when there was this loud screeching noise. We all turned our heads and my eyes widen as three Grievers came inside the Glade. The Gladers stood frozen until the Griever in the middle roared again.

The whole Glade started running. I felt Newt grab my arm and pulled me with him. Gladers screaming left and right. Grievers running after them. The only one who couldn't do anything is Thomas. I stopped. Oh, no. Thomas.

I stopped. "Danny, we have to go!" Newt yelled.

I looked towards the Slammer then back at him, "Find Chuck, take him to the Homestead. I need to get Thomas out." Newt opened his mouth but I cut him off. "I'll be fine."

He nodded. I gave him a quick peck before running towards the Slammers. I dodged each Glader and skid to a stop when a Griever screeched at me. Klunk. Klunk. Klunk.

I turned to the left and heard the Griever following. Why is it always me? I jumped over the log and ran near the woods. I ran past a few trees and turned to see it still following.

I climbed up quickly and started jumping from branch to branch. Another skill I probably learned from WICKED. I saw the Slammer a few feet away, but this shuck Griever is still following me.

Most of the woods is destroyed as I jumped down from the last branch. There was a Beetle Blade on the tree. It worked before, maybe it will again.

I broke the branch before using it to grab the Beetle Blade. It went crazy and started cutting the branch. It almost reached my hand before I threw it at the Griever.

It started screeching. Yay, it worked. No time to cheer though. I ran towards the Slammer to see Thomas grabbing the bars.

"Hey! Hey!" Thomas yelled at the Gladers. I stopped in front of his cage. "Dan, what's going on?"

I unlocked the door and hauled his ass up, "Ten words or less..walls not closing. Grievers on the loose. Homestead, now."

He gave me a wide-eyed look before following. Some Gladers made torches and threw them at the Grievers. It did nothing but made them more mad.

We reached the Homestead and found it locked. We started pounding on the door while looking back.

"Open up! Open up!" Thomas and I yelled.

We kept banging our fist on the wooden door. It opened and we were pulled in by Minho and Frypan.

"What took you so long?" Minho asked.

I gave him a look, "Excuse me for wanting to let this one," I pointed at Thomas. "out before he becomes Griever bait."

I found Chuck next to Newt and ran towards them. I pulled Chuck in for an embrace. I held on so tight, he might have popped like a ballon.

"Elle, can't breathe." He panted.

I finally let go, "It's bad out there. What are we going to do about Alby and the she-bean? They're still knocked out."

"That might be best right now." Newt said. "And as far as we can tell that's the safest place for them."

The building started to shake and I immediately grabbed Newt's hand. The door started to shake, when suddenly it bust open. We all had to duck when the door flew across the room. My chest pounded faster as the Griever stood in the the doorway.

It screeched at us before using one of its legs to get us. We tried to avoid it. Doug grabbed the chair and threw it before it could get him. The Griever wasn't giving up though. Another leg went through the door. I pulled Chuck out of the way before it could get him.

"Ahh!" We heard.

We turned to see Max getting wrapped by the Griever. It lifted him in the air before it pulled him out the Homestead.

We ran to the door, expecting more chaos. But, no. The Grievers started retreating to the Maze. Not attacking anyone. What the hell is going on?

"Did we win?" Chuck asked.

"I don't think so." Thomas answered. His expression was just like the rest of us. Shocked.


A/N: Guess who's awake in the next chapter?

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