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I let out a happy sigh as I stretched, "You shanks ready to get beat?"

"By me?  Yeah." Ben said.

Minho laughed, "Stop lying to yourself. We all know you shuckfaces aren't going to make it back before I do. Might as well forfeit."

In response, I pushed Minho so hard that he fell. Ben and I started laughing. In retort, Minho wrapped his arm around my head and was turning my hair into a nest.

"Hey, hey, hey, watch the hair!"  I yelled.

Ben chuckled, "Careful, Minho, wouldn't want Dan to kick you right in the shucksters?"

Then - to prove his point - I got a firm grip on Minho before I flipped him over.  Ben began laughing even harder.

Minho raised his pointer finger at me while panting, "Be glad I like you or else I'd kick the klunk out of you."

I chuckled as I helped him up, "Like you could."

Ben nodded behind me as he crossed his arms, "Here comes lover boy."

I turned and my smile got wider when Newt came towards us.  I went over and gave him a peck.  I still can't get over the fact we're together.

Newt smiled, "Hey." 

I returned it, "Hey."

"Stay safe?"

"Always am."  He raised his eyebrow at me and I sighed.  "At least for today."

Minho came and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "Don't worry, Newt.  Tiger will be fine.  She's with me after all."

"Hey, instead of each others dessert, maybe Dan should kiss the winner?"  Ben joked.

"Not even in your nightmares, Slinthead."  I said.

We heard the walls opening.  "Good luck."  Newt said.

I smiled at him, "You too."

I kissed him one more time before following Ben and Minho to the Maze.


We decided to spit up.  Minho took Section 7, I took Section 6, and Ben 5.  We decided to meet in the middle after.  Left.  Left.  Left.  Straight.  Left.  Right.

Nothing changed.  Everything was the same.  The only section that changed was 2, but Kenny and Gregg were in charge of it.   Straight.  Straight.  Right.  Left.  Right.

Dan, whatever you hear, just ignore it.  Keep running.

What is he talking about?

My answer was soon answered when I heard someone scream.  I skid to a stop and looked around at my surroundings.  No one was behind me.  I continued to run when I heard someone scream again.  I was near Section 5 and my chest began to pound rapidly...Ben.

I started sprinting towards 5.  Wait, Dan, go back.  Let Minho find him.  Go back, Dan!  I ignored Thomas' voice and continued running.  Right.  Right.  Left.  Straight.  Left.

I made it to Section 5 in no time.  "Ben!  Ben!"  I yelled.

Straight.  Right.  Left.  Straight.

I took another turn and collided with something hard.  We both fell down and my head collided with the ground.  I groaned as I got up.  I placed my hand on my forehead, only to wince.  I brought my hand back and the tips of my fingers were covered in blood.

I looked over to see Minho already up and looking around.  "You heard it, too?"  I asked.

He nodded, "Yeah."  We heard Ben screaming again and Minho grabbed my arm.  "Come on!"

The Fighter 》 The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now