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I kept pacing around the Homestead. Newt called a Gathering after Alby got the serum, I was a bit surprised that they allowed Thomas in.

I get it, he broke one of the rules. Don't go inside the Maze. But, he did it to help Alby, Minho, and me. Surley, that means something. Was it a stupid idea? Yes. Did he mean well? Absolutely. He even did great in the Maze for his first time.

I stopped my pacing when Thomas, Minho, and Newt came my way. I ran over, "So?"

"I'm officially a Runner." Thomas beamed.

I jumped up in glee before pulling him into a hug, "Congratulations."

"Don't forget, you still need the night in the Slammer." Newt added when we pulled apart.

I gave them all confused looks, "Why does -"

Minho cut me off, "Gally ran his shuck mouth. If I see that slinthead, he better pray I don't beat the klunk out of him again."


Newt chuckled, "Gally was against Tommy being a Runner and tried to reason with all of us why he should be punished."

"And you kicked his ass?" Minho nodded his head. "Feels pretty good, doesn't it?"

"Aren't you friends with him?" Thomas asked.

I shrugged, "I am, but it doesn't mean that someone needs to knock some sense into him every now and again."

Minho wrapped his arm around my shoulders, "That's where you come in, Tiger." We all started laughing before he looked at Thomas. "Let's go."

Thomas sighed before following Minho. This is good and bad. Bad because the whole Slammer and Gally not trusting him. Good because he got the job he wanted.

Newt smiled, "Ready?"

I furrowed my eye brows, "For..."

He chuckled before grabbing my hand, "Come on."

I didn't argue with him and let him drag me. We went past the Homestead and went into the woods. I know this route like the back of my hand. A small smile came to my face when I realized where he's taking me.

The lilacs are at full bloom, but some grass grew a bit. "What are we doing here?" I asked.

In response, he grabbed my face and kissed me. I immediately wrapped my hands arms around him as he pulled me close. He held on to me tight, like if he was making sure I was still here.

I pulled away. "What was...that for?" I panted.

He kissed me again, "I had to make sure you're here."

I smiled up at him before hugging him, "I'm here, Newt."

"But you almost weren't." He whispered.

I held on tighter, "Almost. But I'm here. I'm here with you." I gave him another peck. "Always."


Newt and I stayed at our spot. We just lay there looking up at the sky. I was confused at why it's gray instead of the blue, but Newt said it's been like that since Alby got stung.

My head was on Newt's chest while his arm was wrapped around me. I let out a happy sigh. It's nice being with him like this. Away from the Glade, the Gladers, even if it's just for a few short hours.

"This is nice." I smiled.

"You know, this is technically our first date." He said.

I lifted my head up, "Really?" He nodded. I leaned over and gave him a quick peck. "Well, then, this has got to be the best date ever."

"Of one."

I let out an amused laugh, "So, there's going to more?"

He smiled, "Of course."

I let out a laugh before I started kissing him again. I moved from my spot to the point I was straddling him. He wrapped his hands around my waist as I placed one of mine on his cheek.

I pulled away, "I love you."

I really do. Newt has been there for me since day one. From a stranger to a friend. From a friend to my best friend. From my best friend to my boyfriend. It's always been Newt. Even before the Maze, it has always been Newt. WICKED might have taken away my memories, but they will never take away my feelings for him.

I'm completely in love with him. He's my first love and he'll be my last. The past few months have proven that.

Newt smiled at me, "I love you, too."


A/N: Short cheesy chapter. I'm having writers block up to the part where they escape. So, I don't know how long until the next update.

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