The End!

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My eyes widen. Gally had a knife in his hand. It's not just that, he had dark veins coming out of his neck. He got stung again. Thomas tried to go up to him, but Teresa held him back. For the first time Gally was actually crying.

He shook his head, "We can't leave." His hand with the knife started to shake.

Thomas raised his hands, "We did. Gally, we're out. We're free."

"Free? You think we're free out there? No." Gally raised his knife up. He pointed it at Thomas. "No, there's no escape from this place."

I took a step forward, "Gally, listen to me. You're not thinking straight. You know this is the right thing to do. The Creators...they did this to you. Just come with us, where you belong. We....we can get you help." I held my hand up. "Just give me the knife."

He sniffled while he shook his head again, "I belong to the maze."

Thomas pushed me behind him, "Just put down the knife."

"We all do."

Everything suddenly became slow. Gally threw the knife at Thomas while Minho threw his spear at Gally. We all ducked down when Gally threw the knife. The spear pierced Gally's chest. He let out a gasp as he dropped to the floor. The look in his eyes as his life was leaving him....he looked relieved.

"Elle..." Chuck trailed off.

I turned and my eyes widen. The knife was lodged in Chuck's chest as blood began surrounding the wound. I grabbed him as he started to fall. "Chuck."

I placed him on the ground as he started to gasp for air. No, no, no, no. Not him. I grabbed his face. "Chuck. Chucky, look at me." He kept dazing out. I shook my head as tears began pooling my eyes. "Just hang on Chucky. We're - we're gonna get you help."


I shook my head, "No, no, no. Don't die on me, ok? I need my brother with me."

He grabbed something from his pocket. Thomas knelt next to me and shook his head at the small figuring. "No, Chuck. You're gonna give it to them yourself. Remember, I told you that." He cried.

"Take it." Chuck gasped out. He pulled something from his other pocket before handing it to me. "For my big sister."

I held on tighter as I started to cry, "No, no, Chucky. You can't do this. I need you here. Don't do this."

He looked at Thomas and me before giving a small smile, "Thank you." He took one final breath before his eyes became lifeless.

I shook him, "Chuck? Chucky?" I started crying harder. "Chuck!" I pulled his lifeless body closerto mine and held on to him tight. "Wake up. Please, wake up."

My chest began hurting. My throat went tight as I held on to Chuck for dear life. No, we just got out of this place. He can't - he can't be dead. I heard the door open. I heard footsteps with some lights shining, but I didn't care. I just want my brother back.

Someone tried to pull me up. "Come on, Danny." Teresa cried.

I pulled out of her hold and clung on to Chuck. I cried harder. I felt two hands pulling me away from him. I tried to fight them off to get back to him, "We can't just leave him there!" I cried. I kicked one of the guys in uniform and ran back to Chuck. I was a few feet away from him when more people grabbed me and hauled me up. "No. No. No. Wait. Wait. Wait!"

They ignored me. I cried harder as Chuck's body came out of view. The men carried me to the bus and set me down next to Newt. I could see him crying which made me cry more. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I cried into his chest. I pulled the figuring out of my pocket. It was of two people stuck together. One was a bit shorter and pudgier than the other. On their torso there were a few lettering. C and D. Chuck and Danielle. I love it.

"You're safe now." The main guy said in front as the bus started to move. "Everything is gonna change."

I looked back as the building of WICKED grew smaller and smaller. The further we were away, the further we were away from Chuck's body. I took a shaky breath. It hurts. Everything hurts.


A/N: And that is the end of book one in The Fighter series. Subject A3: The Carrier is out, just not the first chapter. I'm going by the books for the rest of the series. And I just want to say thank you to everyone who stayed with this book. I thought I was loosing some of your guys' interest. It really means a lot that there are a few of you out there who are reading this. Thank you.

The Fighter 》 The Maze RunnerWhere stories live. Discover now