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Thomas is here. Thomas. Is. Here.

I can't believe it. After I got off him, the whole Glade surrounded him. I haven't taken my eyes off him. I tried to keep my expression as blank as possible. He doesn't remember anything, why did they send him?

"Where am I?" He asked.

Alby was the one who answered, "Nowhere good. Just slim yourself nice and calm."

"Which Keeper is gonna get him?" One of the boys asked.

Another one answered, "I told ya, he's a klunk. I bet he'll be a Slopper - no doubt about it." The other kid giggled.

The Gladers kept chatting amongst themselves. I didn't once break my gaze from Thomas. He was looking at each of us in confusion before his eyes settled on me. I don't need to guess. He's confused about why I'm the only girl here...and asking why I'm staring at him.

Just like the first day I met Newt in the Glade, there's this weird feeling inside me that told me to trust him. He didn't give me a reason not to. Shuck, I would probably be dead if it wasn't for him.

Alby's yell broke me out of my thoughts, "I said shut your holes! Keep yapping and your next break will be cut in half!"

The Gladers immediately stopped. I looked around and noticed Gally glaring at Thomas. Why? I don't know. It's Gally. I guess Thomas noticed, too, because when he looked at Gally, Gally just walked away.

"It's a long stoy, Shank. One that I'll be - one that I'll be telling tomorrow during the Tour. Till then...don't break anything." Alby placed his hand out. "Name's Alby."

Thomas refused to shake his hand and walked over to a tree. He slumped down and ran his hand over his face.

"Then tell me. Tell me the long story." Thomas said. Alby looked at the Gladers and rolled his eyes. "Where am I?"

He sat down in front of Thomas, "If you ain't scared, you ain't himan. Act any differently and I'll throw you in the Maze with the Grievers for being so shucked in the head."

Color was drained from Thomas' face, "Grievers?"

"Shuck it." Alby rubbed his eyes. "Ain't no way to start these conversations, you get me? We don't kill shanks like you here. We're more worried about not trying to get killed and survive." Thomas got paler. "Man, I ain't good at this. You're the first Greenbean since Nick got killed."

My heart clenched at the mention of our past leader. Alby's still grieving for his best friend. He may be a jerk, but the least I could do is help.

I got up from my spot and placed my hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry, Alby. I'll give Greenie the Tour." He didn't say anything, but nodded in thanks.

Then Newt came behind me and slapped the back of Alby's head, "He's going to need it. Probably klunked himself before the bloody Tour even started. Maybe even get a buggin' heart attack." He gave Thomas a polite smile. "Name's Newt, Greenie, and we'd all be right cheery if you'd forgive our klunk-for-brains new leader, here."

To my surprise, Thomas shook his hand. Alby groaned in annoyance and pulled Newt down next to him.

"Pipe it, shuck-face, at least he can understand half the things I'm saying. I'm surprise Danielle understands anything you say." Alby said.

A few of the Gladers started to laugh. Then, they moved closer so they could stand behind Newt and Alby.

For the first time, I spoke to Thomas, "Well, since your mind probably wants to klunk itself, this is the Glade.
It's where we eat, sleep, work, and you know...survive." I made a gesture to the boys. "Us...we're called Gladers."

"Who sent me here?" Thomas asked.

My eyes went wide when Alby grabbed the collar of his shirt, "Get up, Shank, get up!" He practically hauled him to his feet. "No interruptions, boy!"

I pulled Thomas away, "Alby, hey! Leave him alone. I'll explain everything to him, you have enough to worry about. He won't ask questions until I give him the Tour tomorrow." I turned to Thomas and gave him a hard look. "Right?"

Thomas nodded vigorously, "Right."

Alby glared, "Old life is over. New life starts tomorrow. Get ready for tonight, Greenbean." He then left. The Gladers then scattered away, leaving only Thomas, me, and Newt.

"What did I do?" Thomas whispered. "What did I do - why'd they send me here?"

Newt clapped him on his shoulder, "Don't worry, Greenie. How you're feeling - we all felt it on our first day. None of us knew anything. I won't lie, things will get worst. It gets better if you fight for something good and true. I can already tell you're not a bloody sissy."

I crossed my arms, "Way to boost his confidence, Newt."

"I need to do damage control with the way Alby spoke to him." He said as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Is this a prison?" Thomas asked.

I shook my head, "No more questions. You can ask them tomorrow after the Tour. It won't be long though."

Thomas looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped when we heard an ear piercing scream. Oh, no, Ben.

I went to go with the Med-jacks but Newt grabbed my arm, "I'll go. Go find Chuck so he could help with the sleeping arrangements."

I nodded. He smiled at me before kissing the side of my head and running to the Homestead.

"What's tonight?" Thomas asked nervously.

I smiled, "Your welcoming party. Day one, Greenie. Now...follow me."


A/N: If I haven't mentioned this, I'm combining both the movie and the book. But for the second book, I haven't decided of its going to follow the book or movie yet.

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