Cheater! Ayato x Reader

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( not edited)

"Ayato...?" you said calmy as you walked over to the blue haired ghoul. "What?" he spat sharply. You flinched a little bit and glared

"Don't say what to me!-" you got cut off with a harsh slap to your cheek. You felt your body rising and realized ayato was picking you up by your collar. "Don't fucking yell at me!!"

Your eyes widened a bit and you scoffed "you're such a fucking jerk you know that" you kicked his....erm....boy parts (dick) causing him to fall back and groan.

"Now that I have your attention.." you ran to your room and brought back three things. A crop top, bootay ( < woops) shorts and an orange laced bra. "What the hell are these!!?"

Ayato didn't answer, he simply stood up and glared at you. "Are you fucking dumb? Those are all yours" you shook your head "First of all I only wear (f/c) bras ((If ur fav. colour is orange oops my bad)) and none of the perfumes i wear match the one on these clothes!"
You crossed your arms and huffed "Not to mention I've been missing some clothes" Ayato looked away and shrugged "Not my problem" you growled and marched away from him


"Hey aya-chan?" The brunette called as she clung onto ayato's arm. "Yeah?" he replied, turning his head to face her. "'re with (y/n) and ...i just want to know why you're cheating on h-"

"Hinami" Ayato cut her off with a small peck on the lips. "Its because I love you" Hinami smiled a bit and wrapped her arms around the blue haired male. "I really love you too!~"

As they continued to walk down the street they didn't realize the (h/c) girl following them, and who had also witnessed not to mention heard everything they just said/ did.

You furiously walked up to them and tapped hinami's shoulder. As she turned around a fist greeted her deh face (oUCh). The girl stumbled back a bit holding her now bloody nose.

You looked up at Ayato and noticed him staring at you with a shocked/angered expression "Where the fuck did you come fro-" he got cut off and a hard kick met his stomach (hello). "We.are.over" you said marching back to the apartment you both shared.

You had your stuff packed already and kaneki allowed you to stay at his house. With a broken heart that felt like it would never mend, you left that so called place you called home and moved on with your life.


UAAa this broke my heart :( not because he cheated because of how horrible and rushed this was





Ayato x Reader ( Various One Shots)Where stories live. Discover now