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A strong breeze was felt, lifting up the baggy shirt you wore. You, Ayato and Kaneki were on a mission. There has been a suspected spy sent from anteiku to aogiri. It puzzled you a bit how they knew where the broken down hideout was but you didn't question it. There has been a traitor your superiors told you. That's apparently all you needed to know. You yawned and stared at the two men in front of you. Ken Kaneki, quiet yet expressive. He was fairly attractive. You loved how his fluffy white hair sculpted his features. And his eyes. His eyes held nothing yet a million things at the same time. Then there was him. Kirishima Ayato. The arrogant blue haired ghoul who had your heart from the beginning. You never told him how you felt but you have messed around with him a couple times before. You didn't mind being his fuck buddy but you also wouldn't mind being something a little more. Your thoughts clouded your mind taking you out of reality. You didn't know how, or why but the mental image of Ayato and Kaneki appeared in your head, unclothed, hugging no- kissing 'oh my god'. You bit your bottom lip. You never really wanted that to happen but you weren't against it.

"Do you mind not staring so fucking hard, (L/n)" Ayato spat turning his head to you.

"I agree." Kaneki simply stated. You looked up at them with rosy cheeks.

"Ah..gomen" you scratched the back of your head awkwardly. They both took notice of the red tint of your cheeks.

"What were you thinking about anyways?" Ayato moved closer to you, Kaneki following as he was also curious. You shook your head to get rid of any thoughts you previously had.

"Nothing I just-


A loud noise startled the three of you. "It came from over here" you whispered pointing to your right side. You hastily moved to figure out what made the suspicious noise. You found yourself in a wide alleyway. The garbages were knocked over. A petite bunny was hopping out of one of the knocked over garbages. You picked up the bunny and stroked his fluffy ears. "Aw. It was just you little guy" you smiled. You decided to bring the bunny back to Ayato and Kaneki. "Guys it was just a bunny, it knocked over a couple of trash bins." Kaneki nodded and proceeded back to his position. Ayato on the other hand was intrigued. He looked at the bunny in your hands, staring at it adoringly. "Hm..does the infamous black rabbit want to hold this adorable little bunny?" You teasingly asked. A faint red tint was seen on his cheeks.

"Maybe.." he mumbled. You laughed and handed him the fragile animal. "How did this little guy knock down the trash bins anyway?" Ayato questioned.

"I never thought about that actually.." you stated.

"It wasn't the bunny. It was me" you turned your head hearing the unknown voice. "It was supposed to be for you Aya but your friend here came down before you and well- ruined my surprise." She said as you were readying yourself to fight. A girl with short brown hair appeared from behind a wall.

"Relax, (l/n), I know her" Ayato said with a slight smirk. Kaneki seemed to know her as well seeing that he was calmly leaning against the wall. "So it was you the whole time they made us look out for?" Ayato stated, handing the animal back to you.

The girl giggled. "Maybe."

"You caused us a lot of trouble, Hinami" Kaneki plainly stated. The girl frowned.

"Sorry ken, I just really wanted to see you and Aya again." She ran over to Kaneki and gave him a hug.

"I told you not to come here unless an emergency. You could've been hurt." Ayato softly scolded the girl, walking over to her. You on the other hand were completely out of wack. You had no idea what was going on. Ayato lightly flicked the girl's forehead before giving it a light kiss. His arms snaked around her small waist and her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Am I missing something?" You awkwardly stated. Kaneki chuckled a bit and Ayato looked somewhat guilty. They both knew how you felt about Ayato but they never told you that they knew.

"Ah gomen gomen!" The brown haired pulled away from Ayato and skipped over to you. "I am Fueguchi Hinami" she smiled holding her hand out.

"...(l/n) (y/n)" you said shaking her hand. "How do you know them" you said, referring to Ayato and Kaneki.

"Before Ken came to aogiri, he was at anteiku." She frowned a bit but laughed it off. "And Ken was working a mission with Aya and boom the rest is history."

"Oh so you guys are friends" you said, a bit relieved.

"Well obviously me and Ken are just friends. That would be wrong to Aya because I'm his girlfriend" you were shocked at this response. You bit the side of your lip.

"Girlfriend?" Hinami nodded. You angrily stared at Ayato and Kaneki for not telling you. But then you realized they didn't have to. You weren't dating Ayato and you and Kaneki were never close. "Well then, that means this mission was useless.." you awkwardly said. You waved everyone off and left.


You sat in the dusty old couch in what your fellow aogiri members liked to call 'the lobby'. You were extremely disappointed in finding out Ayato had a girlfriend. You sat there for a while playing with your thumbs. "(Y/n)..?" You turned your head to see the last person you wanted to.

"Hi Ayato" you politely responded. You turned back around and hugged yourself. He jumped over the couch and sat next to you.

"Ah..fuck" he awkwardly said. "I don't know how to do shit like this.." he scratched the back of his neck. You questioningly looked at him. You gave him a soft glare as you waited for him to speak. "Don't fucking look at me like that..." He softly said blushing.

"Like what?" You said with the glare you gave him remaining. He grabbed your cheek.

"Like that, idiot." You held your hand up to his. Warming up to his touch. And then ...


You smacked him. "I can't believe you had a girlfriend this time and never told me." A pout along with you crossing your arms was all that he from you. Ayato sighed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Well in all fairness. We're not exactly in a situation where I'm obligated to tell you I'm in a relationship."  You shook your head.


"Ok. Sheesh. Don't scream it out loud I don't like people knowing my business."

"Sorry" you muttered through his hand. He chuckled a bit.

"Don't do that shit again" he flicked your head. You nodded. It was silent and a bit awkward. The atmosphere got worse when Ayato said "I also know about your big ass crush on little old me" He said with a grin. Your face flushed. You covered your face with both hands and looked down. "Hey.." Ayato crouched in front of you and held your wrists, moving your hands from in front of your face. You blushed and looked away. He chuckled at this.

'Can he stop being so fucking cute..' you thought. You looked at him and tilted your head. 'I mean..technically Hinami isn't any of MY business-'

"You okay there?" Ayato said interrupting your thoughts. You nodded. "Good" He said with a grin. Before he can say anything else you grabbed both of his cheeks and pulled him in close. "(Y/n)...? What are y-" you cut him off by placing your lips against his. His tongue dipped in and out of your mouth as a tease. You growled pushing yourself closer to him. He pulled you onto his lap. Part of you wanted to pull away because he had Hinami. The other part said fuck it l, she can share. You knew it was wrong but you couldn't help yourself.

"Let's take this somewhere else" a flustered Ayato said. You nodded. He carried you to his bedroom. Steering clear of anyone annoying, pushy or overly curious, in other words, any aogiri member. On the way he planted tender kisses down your chest. One by one your buttons became undone, until he finally opened the door.


'Crap...it's her '

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2018 ⏰

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