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Today would be a new beginning at an extraordinarily different school. I once lived in Cali but my family and I moved to New Jersey because my dad had found a better paying job. Unlike Cali, the school I was going to be attending seemed preppy and stuck up. Based on the photos and videos at the sporting events, it seemed as if everyone were in their own little "posse". There were groups of people clustered in corners on the bleachers, and another pact by the water fountains. I was forced to go because my mom wouldn't put me into home schooling because it was my last year of school before graduation. One year at this school shouldn't hurt, right?

Interrupting my thoughts, my alarm blasted and I reach over to silence it. I let a yawn escape my lips as I stretched out my arms, feeling a cold breeze hit me as they peeped out from under the comforter. I bite my lip nervously before getting out of my cozy bed and trailing down the stairs.

I see my dad sitting at the dining room table, so I sit beside him, rubbing my eyes and yawning once again.

"Good morning dad." I say, grabbing the cup of coffee he had in front of him and taking a sip.

"Morning sweetie!" He says crossing his leg over his lap and opening the newspaper.

I get up to rummage through the fridge to find something for breakfast. I find a banana and take it upstairs. My mom is still sleeping so I try not to be too noisy.

I skim through my closet, looking for a first day outfit that will make an impression. I spot a wavy white blouse and some light blue skinny jeans. I pull them off the hanger and slip them on. I take my brush from the dresser and comb through my straight brown and blonde locks, throwing them over my shoulder. I heat up the curler and create bouncy curls in my hair. I grab my phone from the charger and put it into the side pocket of my backpack then I put my binders into my backpack. I zip it up and sling it over my shoulder, finishing off my banana and throwing the peel into my trash bin. I hurriedly rush down the stairs, seeing my dad spin his keys on his index finger.

"Ready to go hun?" He asks.

"Yea." I sigh.

"I heard this school isn't that horrible once you adjust." He says chuckling. I let out a small laugh and open the door to his SUV. I get in and buckle my seat belt. I moved to a larger house than what I had in Cali. It's a 5 bedroom house, and it's fairly large. A lot of space to be free, I guess. Sometimes I get the house all to my self because my parents go on business trips or out of town for vacations and sales trips. I usually like staying home, because most of them are usually boring, unless it's a family vacation.

My dad's car comes to a stop and I release my head from the window, smudging away a mark I left. I groan loudly and open the door, reaching into my pocket and grabbing my schedule. I turn around and wave and say my "I love you's" to my dad as he drives away. A new beginning. A better start.


a/n hello everyone! I'm making a fanfic for Grayson Dolan bc why not. So I hope you enjoy. Next chapter will be posted tomorrow! Comment your thoughts, ideas, or concerns. Feel free to pm me also! Xx

Edited: 11-23-18

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