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I pull the door shut quickly behind me, making sure I don't make a loud noise just in case my father is home. I spot him pointing at him and looking at Grayson while nearly flipping my shit because I knew we were going to get caught.

"Grayson! He's right there!" I whisper, and my dad flips the channel on the television.

"Shh!" He whisper-yells.

"Honey?" My dad yells.

I start to talk but then another voice rings throughout the house.

"Yes?" I hear a woman come out of a room and I'm tempted to go beat her up.

I hold my breath as my father turns his head. Grayson grips my wrist and I breath quietly.

"I need to go to the bank, gotta get some money." He says. I peep my head over and he's putting on his overcoat.

"Oh shit!" Grayson whisper-shouts.

I spot a door and crawl over to it, turning the knob slowly. I enter the room and wave my hand at Grayson telling him to come forward.

"In here." I say, shutting the door and turning the lock.

"This was a horrible idea." I say laughing.

"Yea I know." He says fixing his hair.

His arm flexed and his jaw clenched, causing a sudden flood of energy to overcome me.

I purse my lips and he looks at me.

"What the...? Why is the bedroom door locked?" I hear my father say. I look around quickly and see a closet. I grab Grayson's arm and pile into it, making sure to close it. Me and Grayson are face to face with our ears pressed against the door of the closet.

"Just forgot my wallet," I hear my father say to his "girl." I nearly choke but Grayson shushes me.

"Oh my god why is he still in here?" I ask bouncing my leg and looking up to hope that my dad leaves.

"I'm not sure." Grayson says.

"What if we get caught?"

"We won't."

"What if he doesn't leave?!"

"He will."

"What if SHE finds us?! What happens then?"

"She won't, My."

"What if—"

Grayson's hands find their way to my cheek and he forcefully presses his lips against mine. I lean back from the sudden action. He's practically leaning against me, I have one elbow on the platform I was sitting on and the other hand somehow managed to make its way to Grayson's side.

He pulls away, and I realease my grip.

"I'm sorry." He says, looking down.

"For what?" I ask, in shock while trying to catch my breath.

"Kissing you," he says.

I bite my lip before reconnecting our lips.


I HML LVJGFRHJON I made a Grayson edit last night and boy do I need Jesus

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