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"What? What idiot does that?" I scream aggressively, wanting to throw something. "That's like... molestation!"

"Our family, apparently." Grayson also looks like he wants to launch something to the moon with his hands.

"We'll have to stop this. I can't be related to you."

"You won't be. We will find a way to stop this together."


His plan was well thought out, honestly. But it made me nervous.

"Babe," I say.


"Shit! Sorry." I say, and he sits beside me.

"Well if you're gonna act like you're my girlfriend of 2 years, maybe my sister will feel bad and break up with your dad. Then you're gonna have to call me that anyways." He smirks, and I punch him in the arm.

"Be quiet." I say playfully.

"We doing this now?" I was at Grayson's house, and his sister was downstairs with my dad.


Grayson wrapped his arm around my waist and we made our way out of his bedroom.

"Act like we're having a conversation." He says, making me laugh.

We begin walking down the stairs. I see my dad and Grayson's sister as they both look at us.

"Dad?" I say, obviously faking it.

"Mya?" He says, dropping the fry in his hand.

"Why are you up there with him?" He asks.

"He's my boyfriend. He's been my boyfriend for a while, dad."

"Oh," he looks at Grayson's sister as I look at Grayson and smirk. His hand rests on my waist.

"Well, Cameron..... I guess this isn't going to work. I'm more worried about my daughters relationships than my own..." My dad says quietly, but enough to where I could hear it.

"Yeah. Evidently." I said, whispering to Grayson who still has his arm resting on my lower back.

He was giving Cameron one last hug before leaving the house, when she took off a necklace and gave it back to my dad. He waved goodbye, and I shook my head at my dad.

"Thank you two for getting me out of that mess. I liked him but he was crazy and he doesn't know his priorities." Cameron said laughing. She took this really well.

"Yeah, tell me about it," I said disappointedly.

"So you never told me you had a girlfriend, Grayson?" Cameron asked smiling at me and him at the same time.

"Yea Sis, this is Mya. She's been my girlfriend for a long time now and I can't wait to introduce her to the rest of our family," Grayson says, making me bite my lip.

"Oh my gosh that's so cute!" She says, jumping up and down slightly.

Grayson laughs and his grip gets tighter, making me grab his hand.

"Aren't you two adorable!" Cameron screams.

"Dude, stop!" Grayson chuckles.

"Alright, but you two will be my OTP."

"Can you shut up?" Grayson says, embarrassed. All I could do was laugh.

"Okay, you goofs be good. I have to head back to Cali. No funky business." She says, making me laugh so hard my face turned red. Grayson just blushed, and I laughed at him also.

Cameron leaves, and I pull Grayson into a hug.

"It worked!" I say.

"Yea, it did. We're just ruining your dad aren't we?" Grayson sighs.

We stand in a slow dancing position. My arms are wrapped around his neck, his hands are resting on my waist, and we are swaying lightly from side to side, just talking.

"I'm hoping he goes back to my mom and this will all be resolved. I don't really like living on my own, yanno? It gets boring."

"I agree." Grayson says. He doesn't even live alone.

I pull Grayson to the couch, and he lays beside me.

"I hate you because you're stupid and you take risks I don't know if anyone in this world would ever take.But I love you because you're the best person I know, because you aren't scared to do what other people wouldn't." I turn towards him, looking at his eyes and lips.

Grayson wraps his arm around me.

"I love you because you are beautiful, you can make me smile and laugh anytime and it makes me feel good. I hate you because you aren't mine yet," I turn towards him, and he pushes the hair that was in my face behind my ear.

"Maybe we shouldn't fake it. Maybe it should be real."

"Maybe it should." I say, as he presses his lips against mine.

"So, Mya, would you like to be my girlfriend?" He says, smiling brightly and stroking my cheek.

"Hmmm.... I've gotta think about that." I look away.

His face drops in horror.

"I'm kidding! I would love to be your girlfriend, Grayson."

"I love you." Grayson blurts, this time meaning it.

"I love you too." I say, kissing Grayson again.



I hate this chapter tbh but I had to put it up lol I just feel like it's moving too fast, her dads been with two women and the problem was resolved in a single chapter like wtf? But it is what it is lads

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